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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. AAaaaahhh mother! you crack me up.........
  2. like mike said - witnessed monitored VF arrest Does the PCT have a similar effect in the myocardial cells as a moderate impact on the head does the reticular activating system? My understanding (recalling lost info from a class a long time ago!!) is the joules of energy expended on the tissues pushes the voltage gated ion channels to their threshold potential quicker and inducing a hopefully near normal action potential. In head impacts, the joules cause the pre synaptic bulb to dump neurotransmitter into the synaps and cause a brief period of confusion or unconciousness? Am i in the ball park?
  3. BushyFromOz

    3 Word Story

    dingo eating baby
  4. OK - but i need to be able to cite specific examples - and i cannot seem to find anything
  5. Ok, its probably the wrong place to post this, and i didnt know where to post it so i threw it the place with the most topics.. Can someone fling me some info as to where to find evidence on the effectiveness of evidence based practice? specifically anything dealing with pros and cons would be good cheers
  6. while i can understand some (particularly newbies) people using the old addage of the "protocol told me to do it", there is no excuse for not knowing, or finding out the rationale of why you are doing it
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