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SC MedicMike

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Everything posted by SC MedicMike

  1. I don't see why the siren can't be programmed to repeatedly play, "MOVE THE F*$K OVER!", in a dialect appropriate for one's geographic region, of course.
  2. his overdue book
  3. cheeseball cootie chunks? That just does not sound right...
  4. from potatoes that
  5. poor little bird
  6. unaware that his
  7. Wow! Sucks to be her..... Sorry, someone had to say it.
  8. Very nice, twin...
  9. Maybe, but thankfully, she's not there to remind him of that fact over and over and over again.
  10. with that nasty virus...!
  11. never have to deal
  12. Oh no, indeed, Twin! I hope I
  13. long nose hair
  14. before. Open slowly
  15. DARE[/font:5e50c35fdc]
  16. in pickle jars
  17. dire[/font:bfd9615064] Hi Twin :hello2: !
  18. Tough choice, but I'll go with number 1. It is amazing, though, that no charges were filed in #2!?!? But maybe Kansas City is on to something... let all the idiots shoot each other. Except that, being idiots, their aim is as off as they are. Though not funny because an innocent child was hurt, here is a sample of some of our local idiots: Stabbed, maced woman aims for attacker - runs over child
  19. Be safe, AK. Our thoughts and prayers will be there with you.
  20. carp
  21. Rescuers to Carry Oxygen Masks for Pets Although I understand the PR effort in the article, I can see more people thinking 911 is now for vet emergencies as well...
  22. tart Hi Twin!
  23. Must not have been that big of an explosion - she still has her flip-flops on!
  24. universe where toes
  25. or my shoes
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