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EMT-B 55

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Everything posted by EMT-B 55

  1. Continemtal testing, who administers Illinois EMT test, has 25 - 30 example test questions. You will see them insome form on the actual exam. The exam is 150 questions with a2.5 hour time frame. As an EMT instructor, i recommend reviewing the book plus google free EMT exams and practice. One final note be on time and get some good sleep the night before. Good Luck
  2. The UN has no business in the United States1
  3. THANKS! I needed a laugh
  4. When you do defend yourself, document, document document! Simply stated CYA
  5. Clinicals are an essential part of the program. The clinicals turn book knowledge into action. EMS is a hands on porgram
  6. Dispatched to an 88year old lady with general complaint. Dispatch time 2355. On scene time 0005. We knock on the door and told to come in. The patient's first comment was,' What took you so long? I called 911 yesterday" LikeI said you have to love them
  7. How many patients would get slapped when answering the medics questions. Such as "how much have you hadto drink?" patient says two and then gets slapped
  8. Thanks for your input. and yes, I believe my actions were appropriate
  9. Just over ten weeks ago, I worked the back of the ambulance on a transfer from an area hospital to home Hospise care. This PT was 94 years old and had been diagonosed with two different types of cancer. On the trip to her home, the PT told me that over the last 6+ years, I had treated/transported her 32 times. Most was for GLF's with skin tears and/or hematomas. SHe said that she keeps a diary and could verify her statement. With 30 to 35 minutes for transport to the hospital,we talked about a lot of things including family, hobbies and life in general. this lady was a realalist with apositive outlook on life. Well, last week I read that this ladt had died. because I did respect this person, I attended the visitation. The former PT's daughter was glad I paid my respects. One of my co-workers was a neighbor to this lady. He told me that may attending the visitation was inappropriate because I was not family, a neighbor or a friend. Was my behavior appropriate? Then earlier in the shift, this lady's daughter came to the base. SHe had a small wood relief picture that was in the ;ady's home and I made a comment that the plague was real nice looking. The daughter said that her mother had indicated that this plague should go to me. Same co-worker that told me that I was just the EMT that treated/transported her and did not belong at the visitation hit the ceiling and told me that it was inappropriate for me to honor this lady's request. Again,was my behavior appropriate? You input and judgements requested
  10. I would recommend checking what the EMS requires.
  11. Wether you have a year in EMS or 20+ years in EMS, the question "Why did you enter the EMS?" is valid for at least for self-reflection. Go ahead ask yourself "Why did become an EMT or Medic?" Then ask yourself , 'Is the reason still valid?' If not ask yourself , "Why not and why am I still in EMS?" Sometimes realizing why you are doing something makes life a bit easier. So sit back and enjoy your conversation with yourself.
  12. A good site for review is www.EMTB.com
  13. Expect the unexpected

  14. To find out if the speeding ticket will be an obstacleor not ask your local ambulance directors.
  15. When we have male students as you described we put them on the old CRP Annie first and expain to the class (1) modesty at times goes out the window and(2) that by doing a proper assessment, there is nothing sexual about the hands on assessment
  16. 15 years as a wilderness first aider, mostly working with the Boy Scouts and with trail crews in two National forests, showed me I liked this type of work. As I was nearing retiring from one job I took my NREMT-Basic course and have been working for the last six years on an ambulance
  17. If your leftoversare like soup, stew, etc, thenI recommend a wide mouth thermos and some disposable flatware
  18. www.emtb.com is a good site for class finals
  19. I use Iron Age 8 inch lace up w/ a zipper I laced in I also have a pair of Rhinos. THe Iron Age is able to be resoled but the Rhinos are not. Got five year out of both, Had to replace the Rhinos and had the Iron Age resoled
  20. My first choice is Nature Valley Granola, Oats 'n honey
  21. Someone played the game mouse trap when they were young. That was great!!
  22. Been away for awhile. Thank you for your varous responses. The pre-test that was developed includes high school math, conversions (lbs /kg), some material for reading comprehension, and material that will be covered. \ Again thank you for your input
  23. Should a pre-test be given for the EMT-Basic course? This is a discussion that is on-going bertween three lead instructors. I believe a pre-test is a good tool for both the instructor and the student. The instructor gets a handle on the level of understanding thje students have and the students get a glimse of what will be expected from them through out the course.
  24. I was under the travel and the blast caught me flat. Like one responder here said lesson learned!!
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