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EMT-B 55

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Everything posted by EMT-B 55

  1. EMT-B 55

    Scared stiff

    On a call to a two car wreck, I got scared stiff. One of the drivers had his left foot stuck. I entered the passenger side and was on the floor trying to free the driver's foot when the right side air bag deployed over my head. I failed to take serious the MOI and got scared stiff with no injuries. So be carefull when working a wreck
  2. Not only have I been called an ambulance driver, I have the shirt to prove it. THe wife and I were at a store that sold fire fighter and EMT gear, I saw a t-shirt with Ambulance Driver mirror imaged and started laughing at it. My wife bought that t-shirt for me as a gift. So as some others have said, go with the flow
  3. I will mail you a copy of the requirements if you e mail me your mailing address. I can be reached at emtb55gb@yahoo.com I usually check my e mail once a week Gerry
  4. There is an EMS Instructor Course being held at SIU Carbondale on July 9-11 from 8 am-5:30 pm. Cost of this course is $375.00. website: http://www.naemse.org/
  5. Be safe out ther

  6. Be safe out ther

  7. Be safe out ther

  8. Thanks hearing that from someone outside the service helped
  9. It was to the hospital with L&S going with a respitory distress patient in back. The boss was polite on the phone then looked at me with a question mark. After I told her what happened, she laughed and told me just keep it cool and don't let it bug me. I ranted about this most of the day
  10. Just came back from a call when the telephone rang at the base. I answer it and the person calling states, "I don't want to get anyone in trouble BUT I have to report that one of your ambulances passed me in a no passing zone. Who do report this to." I transfer the call to the Director. THen head for the Director's office. I was the driver at the time and yes I did pass the lady in a no passing zone. When I crested a hill, saw a car about 40 - 45 feet ahead of me when she saw me approching, she veered left and hit her brakes, Then I passed her on the left side. As I passed her she gave me a wave. Love those drivers!!!!!!!
  11. When I get very old and a lot more grayer, instead of a nursing home, my son figures I could be placed in the barn with either a good fence around the door or a long leash. SO Mom do you want me to save you a spoty of hay :-))
  12. EMSC has developed 10.5 CUE's for pre-hospital providers in pediatrics on the publichealth learning.com web site. The subjects are "Pediatric Head Injuries", "Moderate Sedation in Pediatric Patient", "Pediatric Patient Safety" and "Pain Management in the Pediatric Patient". When you get to the public health learning web site just register (fill in the starred items, once registered choose course catalog and check Illinois emergency services for children, browse catalog selection, click on the topic with pre-hospital provider for credit, click enroll, click my courses, then begin. Youir certificate will be mailed by public health.
  13. Mom, quit following me around you do find some great stuff :-)
  14. I wish they were required. Trying to find HazMat Awareness and the Haz Mat Tech courses in the area is a bear. the closest is the Fire Institute at U of I CHampaign. trying to find the time off to attend and the cash for the course right now
  15. Thanks for posting an informative article
  16. Well, I finally went from on call to part time. I am happy with that and if things keep going as is next year at this time I will be working full time. Yes, I still do on call but now I have a steady pay check. And Happy new year's to all
  17. Than you to those that provided the information requested. THey now have their infant CPR mannequins. :-)
  18. A friend of mine teaches Red Cross Lifesaving and BSA Lifesaving. in the past he has borrowed the infant CPR mannequins. However, he would like to buy a least three infant CPR mannequins, so that he has them on hand when he teaches instead of having to wait. Please let me know where a full infant CPR mannequin with arms and legs can be purchased. Thank you in advance
  19. Leave terh english books will take the cookies and milk, will leave a box of walnut fudge and hot cider
  20. Have a spare uniform and socks to change into when you do get wet. There are two rules for cold weather. Rule #1 Stay warm and dry Rule #2 If you get wet or cold follow rule #1.
  21. IMERT = Illinois Medical Emergency Response Team Is anyone involved in IMERT? If so, how did you get involved? How does the required training get accomplished? When activated, what do you have to provide? When activated, what is the duration of the activation?
  22. Take the candy, leave the bag and the dental bill
  23. Thank you and may each have a safe holiday. Our freedom is not free - ask any Veteran or Active Military
  24. Forget the knife, just let me have the coffee below the knife :twisted:
  25. Sorry 'Mom'. I couldn't resist
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