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EMT-B 55

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Everything posted by EMT-B 55

  1. This information is from Scott R. Ballard, District 23 Natural Heritage Biologist from Illinois. >>> "Gerald Bozman" <gbozman@bop.gov> 10/18/06 8:19 AM >>> Dear Scott, Thank you for putting on a great presentation on October 17, 2006 at Heartland Regional Hospital. One question - Which Illinois counties did you say had native scorpions? Sincerely, Gerald Bozman EMT-B Gerald, those counties are Monroe and Randolph. Glad you enjoyed the program last night. Scott Ballard
  2. Illinois wants to have their own test for one simple reason and that is money! The politicans want more money to come to the State.
  3. also LOS = Level of Cosciousness
  4. 1971 in Vietman, 19 yr old with unexploded RPG in abdomen plus shrapnel everywhere
  6. The probation period for the service I work for is a minimum of 30 calls with evaluations after each run. Yes the senior partner has extra paperwork but I have found it to be a good tool
  7. Asy: When EMS49393 responded, I took that response and my handouts from class to my Service Director. Director asked if I knew the correct way to treat now. Said yes. then Director contacted the other 4 Basics that had the same instructor over the last five years. Guess what all had the same hand out. I sent EMS49393 a PM thanking him and now the Service is going to have a In Service to make sure no other member had received the same information from that lead instructor who told the director that was what was taught. I am glad I am part of the City because I do learn
  8. In one of the Wilderness first aid courses I had, it was recommended that the PT be placed out of direct sun light and instant pack or rubbing alcohol to the points mentioned above
  9. LOL! Thanks I needed that. What gets me, there are scorpions in Illinois and coral snakes. They are in private homes or in zoos
  10. I live in Illinois. The bottom line why the State wants to control the test is $$$$!. They really do not care if the EM T's are recognized in other states. Regarding the EMT-I exam Illinois presented, I heard from someone who took the exam and it was mostly about weapons of mass destruction, not an overall exam of the EMT-I knowledge.
  11. Be safe and God Speed. Our prayers are with you
  12. either 18 (short for 5V18 - it's call sign) or the gremlin cage :wink:
  13. If you are going to join the USCG, then I recommend you place you EMT license in the inactive status. Also find out if your state accepts USCG continuing education credits to maintain you license if you can not place it in active. What ever you do good luck and stay safe out there
  14. another on line study guide is www.emtb.com it helped me through the test actually you can take the national twice after the original test date you will do well
  15. :shock: Rathbone, You know the study routine just completing your First Responder You should have no trouble in the EMT-B Class I went from certified Wilderness First Aid to EMT-B Keep up the good study habits and enjoy be safe out there Gerry
  16. cool :roll:
  17. When I was doing ride time for my basic, I listened to those at the base and I also watched when on a call. We had a call for one of the frequent flyers, the crew I was with griped all the way there. However when on scene they provided the best care possible. Now that I am working I am finding the living quarters is the place to vent your frustrations without it getting to ears that need not know or would not understand, but in the field all provide the best they can. Being in the EMS world is frustrating because of various aspects including but not limited to the hours, the pay, the fact you can not cure stupid As far as advancing, go for it. If you can work in the field while chasing your paramedic do it. Good luck and stay safe out there.
  18. Actually heard a tape from dispatch . the County Deputy actually told the Air Vac crew the Pt was in Pretty Bad Shape. the medics were very busy with that call (motorcyclist ran into a deer)
  19. 07 good luck with your EMT-B class. This old man did it. after all the tests were passed it took me about two months to get on part time paid was doing volunteer work before being hired. My suggestion, check with the local ambulances services in your area and find out what their hiring practices are Good Luck Study Hard and welcome to the City you will learn a lot here.
  20. each year for the last 24 have gone through training in warding off the bad guy. with out practice they will get you in trouble . use the radio call the police and get the H*** out of Dodge with you partner and patient if possible
  21. "When you're going through hell'' for when things go south Gerry
  22. I use to work as hospital security in a rural hospital. When the ER nurses call for help the s**t is deeper than they can handle They know when they are over their head, which is very seldom. 24+ years in the prison system I have had my share of trips to the ER because of work related injuries (spelled assaults). I was always glad to see a familiar face (one that had been there for a while) because I knew I would get proper treatment. I hope that you learn when to call for assistance when the situation is over your head, another words when the situation is beyond your training have a great learning day
  23. 9 misses glad daffy can bounce :?
  24. In regards to these threads, how do you convince a County board, hiring more EMS staff will actually save them money because more calls can be responded to? they only see the upfront costs.
  25. When I was getting processed into our system, the EMS Coordinator asked me almost the same question and also asked who was responsible for an EMT's continuing education. When I answered 'I am on both counts' , the Coordinator told me younger people (18 to 20) usually answered that it was someone else's responsibility.
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