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  1. HOOT
  2. Expired IV bag and tubing ran from over a guys bed around the room to where the other one is pressing on the IV bag to cause it to drip on the poor sleeping beauty.
  3. buffalo girl, There are plenty of jobs doing the whole private service in MO, if that is the dark alley that you wish to travel down. J/J its not that bad I currently work for a private service and a PT at a "real" EMS service. I love the later of the two but the pay isn't too bad from the private service. I look at it as a stepping stone, good experience and room to move on. GOOD LUCK on your NREMT testing you'll do fine. ALMOST!!!!
  4. dispatch: Unit 7821 be advised FD called back and stated that the pt was on fire. Unit 7821: Thats clear. Tell FD to put the pt out we'll be there in a minute.
  5. Usually take vs on scene and then get them to the truck thats where I feel comfortable and can get done what needs to be done.
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