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Everything posted by EMS-Cat

  1. bart
  2. dirt
  3. more
  4. sore
  5. Stay safe over there, AK. Keep your wits sharp and your butt low. The EMS-Cat <wearing her 'Been There - Done that' t-shirt>
  6. lard
  7. boil
  8. foal
  9. fred
  10. deed
  11. pole
  12. fore
  13. coda
  14. corn
  15. file
  16. rife
  17. lift
  18. toft [it's legit = toft ]
  19. fall
  20. goat
  21. toot
  22. Like everyone else has said, 'Document'!. Read her her medical Miranda's in front of a couple of witnesses [cops are good since they don't work for the same org you do], make sure she knows she can call you [EMS] anytime if she has problems and wish her well. And even if your protocols don't require you to bring MedCom into it, I'd do it anyway so that you have that additional piece of documentation as backup [the base con radio transcript]. Besides, maybe the doc can talk her into it. Looks like you did the best you could in a bad situation.
  23. Detailed dissection of events we haven't physically been present for is a large part of this forum. It can be a good teaching tool. Docs do it all the time. It's called 'morbidity and mortality conference'. Most places I've worked in EMS or in hospital as an RT, etc, have ongoing reviews of policy and procedures and certainly get together and go over any events that may have been more 'out of the norm' than usual. Some see it as 'Monday Morning Quarterbacking'. Others see it as an after event self evaluation. To be right up front: you're new here. This is what happens all the time. Sometimes the discussion is ... well... quieter than others. Other times you need an 1&1/2 inch hose to separate the parties. The divisions here get intense. EMT-Ps vs EMT-Bs. This country vs that country. FF vs EMS. Pick a pair and you'll find them going at it. Sometimes you share and learn a lot. Sometimes the best thing you can do is bite the bullet, not reply and move on. Just remember: you don't work with anyone here, they don't write your performance review and it really doesn't matter, at the end of the day, what anyone thinks of you but yourself, your employers and your patients.
  24. Dust, keep you butt low and your head lower. To pass on the words of my dad [a Navy Corpsmen in WWII who landed with the Marines at Iwo] gave me before I deployed to the Gulf in '91. "You don't do anybody any good as a dead medic." Stay safe, guy and stay in touch.
  25. EMS-Cat

    O Canada...

    Surprised why? I know all the words to 'The Star Spangled Banner', 'My Country 'Tis of Thee' and 'This is My Country', not counting the 'Cassons Go Rolling Along'. But since I was Army for 20 years, the latter shouldn't be held against me.
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