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Everything posted by ffmedic9588

  1. Working in Baddeck transfer capital of the province.
  2. ffmedic9588


    soy bean thats right AZCEP thanks for the clarification. Great topic and chat.
  3. Wow where did was that Canadian team the other day against the USA. Not that the US was weak but you could not compare the Canadian team that played today and the Canadian team that played in the semi's no comparison. Way to go Canada and congrats to the USA for their strong play and effort in the bronze medal game. North America did very well with 2 out of the top 3 medals also the USA had 2 players named allstars with along with Canada. Way to go again and everyone that voted was bang on.
  4. Hey sorry I know this is a non ems issue but hey so is this section so here goes, What a game yesterday we were very lucky to win that game as the USA outplayed us most of the game if not the entire game. Now tomorrow is a big day for us Canadians and the Russians have a good team and will be a very tough test. I am pulling for the USA in the bronze medal game good luck to both the US and Canadian teams. Now 2 neighbouring countries who claim to be allies and great friends played yesterday and it ended up going to the 7th round of a shootout to determine a winner that tells me that the US knows us better than we think they do and we should not take them so lightly on the ice, Hockey is our game but we can loose anyday,anytime, anywhere because the competition is improving and getting to know us better. To me yesterday there were 2 winners as you cannot deny the Americans deserved to win with their play and anyone who watched could not have predicted the outcome in the shootout. 7 rounds of shooters that is crazy.
  5. ffmedic9588


    We have both atrovent and ventolin nebs. We only have ventolin in MDI form. Not sure why that is, they only thing I can think of is and I am not 100% sure how this goes so please correct me if I am wrong but I remember reading somewheres of a case with a pt in severe respiratory distress and exhibiting s/s of anaphylaxis and the medics used MDI atrovent with BVM and pt kept getting worst and come to find out pt had an allergy to peanuts and appearently there is a peanut base in the MDI to propel the medication. Does this sound right? Please correct me if I am wrong or way of but explain. I love to learn.
  6. Wow great discussion. Excellent answers all around. We had to do a project in school on 4 drugs and atropine was one of mine and probably my favorite. I really enjoyed reading and watching this thread. Keep up the great work guys. PS I hope someday I will be able to know and retain as much as you guys have in this thread.
  7. Yes the cd is a great tool as well. I have actually started the online course which comes with that cd you should check it out on evovle.
  8. We had 2 textbooks we used in school they are great. 1. ECGs Made Easy 3rd edition- Barbara Aehlert and 2. The 12-Lead ECG In Acute Coronary Syndromes Revised 2nd edition- Tim Phalen and Barbara Aehlert. These are 2 very good textbooks. Hope this helps.
  9. I have watched this thread and I feel that James was treated pretty bad. James I am sorry that you had to endure your character being called in question however for some unknown reason to me ems is famous for this type of behavior. We tend to feed off of our own and tear each other apart. The fire department doesn't do this the police departments do not do this but it is common place in ems for some reason. It needs to stop let's support each other and help each other learn from our mistakes. James I know it has been said before but scene safety is very important and man be careful stick around for awhile longer. James continue to post you have just as much to offer as anyone else on here.
  10. Further more to my last post I still have along way to go on this matter but I think it is very important for us to know normal lab values and what they represent. And I am learning allot from my girlfriend who is also a nurse buckeye. I hope to marry her someday. She is actually taking her Primary Care Paramedic course now. She is a smart lady and works CCU so we have allot of cardiac related discussions and get into troponin levels as well as CK's BUNS, Creataine etc.
  11. I believe medics should be proficient at ABG's should know the cardiac enzymes as well we should be able to interrupt xrays to a degree.
  12. AK stay safe your there. Let's us know how you are doing and thank all the other men and women overseas for keeping us safe in North America US and CA
  13. Thoughts and prayers go out to his 2 families, real and ems.
  14. Spock thanks for your response to the atropine for succs od very imformative. and thanks to everyone esle for a great discussion.
  15. Very interesting topic and I agree with what vs has said I think you are right on the money from what I remember in class. We actually discussed in class the roll of atropine in being an antidote for succs overdoses. One of my classmates said that someone at his local hospital told him that it is in there algorithm on the crash cart to use atropine after a succs od. We couldn't really come to a conclussion or ever find out how this works anyone know???
  16. First thing first great job Juice, well done. I think your boss needs to go back to school. I think there is alot of great info in discussion from the vets (Dust, Rid, and others) I am 6 years in and I have never heard once of a pts hypoxic drive being shut down due to 100% O2. 6 years ago when I took my EMT-1 (Basic) my instructor told us "100% for resp distress, if you knock out there hypoxic drive you know what to do to control it." I am not saying I would want it to come to that but it is a true statement so high flow is good and I would have done the same thing you did. Relax and don't worry about it.
  17. That is terrible condolences for the family of the police officer and I agree he should get life.
  18. Yes go out and enjoy yourself. I have been in paramedic school since march and have yet to go out with my friends since we started. Study hard and read alot on your own. Enjoy your last weekend for awhile, but it will all be worth it in the end. Good luck
  19. Ozzy rules!!!!!! The only 3 I can think of right now are suicide solution by Ozzy and shot in the dark by Ozzy and Last Kiss by Pearl Jam don't know who did it originally.
  20. Alot of great tips and suggestions have already been made and as someone else has already said check your own truck do not think that it is ok because someone else checked it. You are responsible for your truck and gear until the end of your shift and it is so very important it needs to be mentioned numerous times. Tell your partner right from the start that you are new and nervous and willing to learn, take constructive feedback from your partner and just stay calm on calls. I am not sure of your level but remember if you are ALS and things are not going so well revert back to the basics. Without good BLS there is no need for ALS. Have fun stay alert and on your toes and most of all have fun. Good Luck and let us know how it goes.
  21. I fail to see how a cop/firefighter/paramedic who died in 9/11 is any worse of a deal then one who died in a car accident, shooting, fire, etc. So should we ban every game out there because it might offend someone? I lost a friend who was killed during a routine traffic stop (he was gunned down), I don't see that his death was any less important then someone who died in the towers, on the planes, or in Washington.
  22. With all due respect Nate I think you have a point about the other games mentioned however we as emergency service workers from all over the world still have a hard time with the attacks and we do not need a game out there reminding us of the lose we endured. Do you not think that family members of victims and coworkers going online and can find this kind of s*** there is absolutely no need for it and it should not be endorsed. My thoughts only.
  23. I agree with paramedicmike. Well said.
  24. ffmedic9588


    How do you assess a mallampati score on a patient who really needs RSI? Do you ask them to sit up and stick their tongue out? What about that immobilized patient? There are other ways of assessing an airway and determining the potential for a difficult airway. Assessing a mallampati score shouldn't be the *first* thing you do. Nor will it be feasible in just about every RSI scenario out there. You can also assess a difficult airway with LEMON. I believe that most practioners can determine a difficult airway by just looking externally at the patient.
  25. I have lost 2 relationships to the stressors of EMS life in 6 years. The 1st I was engaged and she couldn't handle the long hours and that I was spending alot of time with women. (working) and the 2nd was just recently we had been together for about a year and were living together and I was suffering from PTSD which I didn't realize until after we split and we talked about getting back together and she told me that I was very moody and the littlest thing would set of an argument and I wasn't sleeping well either so I told her that I now realized what was going on and that I would seek help and she said no I cannot go through this again if it happened again. So I just want to thank all the unseen hero's, the spouses of the men and women who work in emergency services for being there for your loved ones when they need you the most. Be safe all
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