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Everything posted by ffmedic9588

  1. That is terrible we put the almighty dollar before our pts well being. I think that it is morally and ethically wrong and any supervisors/management that operates this way should be spoken to and dismissed if found to be true. So you safe a life or make it so the pt has a better outcome and you get into trouble what is wrong with this situation?? I am sorry about my rant but this really bothers me and has since I have started in EMS 6 years ago. I think you did the right thing for sure. Thumbs up. PS I know all services and management personal are not all about the bottom dollar so I am not making a general blanket statement just for the record.
  2. ffmedic9588


    Connie I hope that our new medical director might entertain the thought of RSI. I believe we could be very successful at it. My personal opinion why our success rate is low now is because if you document correctly each time the blade is placed even for FBR it is considered a failed attempt. And also I think we need more choices of meds. What is the success rate elsewhere for RSI and regular ETI???
  3. Great read Rid thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping us all become better medics. This site has so many great knowledgable people who like to teach and learn and share ideas it is great.
  4. Good points Rid. It has been expressed to us in ACP class if you have RVI check the posterior leads as well and doesn't take that long. I don't know I have never done it myself but I do agree 110% hard to do with such an unstable patient. Great discussion I am glad I joined this site. Awsome for school getting so many great medics and emts points of view as a studnet. Thanks guys and gals.
  5. Was there RVI? I would stay away from nitro even if I could have raised her BP until I knew for sure there was no RVI. Also I believe I would have went with fentanyl as it does not effect BP and HR as much as morphine does. I definitively would have done a 15 lead on this patient also what about thrombolytic therapy???
  6. I am a EMT-1/PCP working in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. I am taking my ACP right now and have 2 months of class left then on to hospital clinical.
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