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Everything posted by napave

  1. sorry i asked........didn't even know what the damn thing was so attacking my education is really uneccessary...I work for a service that doesn't even have twelve lead so it is all foreign to me. We are just starting into the 12 lead part of cardiology and he happened to mention this little tool. thought I would really get some help on this site, but I guess I was WRONG! Thanks to those of you that are trying to be supportive and for the deifinition of the mneumonic. Sorry to dustdevil if I offended you by typing all caps. Won't bother you or any other paramedic with my stupid little questions again since you obviously think part of your job is NOT to help educate those of us trying to follow in your footsteps.
  3. Breathe, Mark! lmao- you are hilarious!
  4. Ok, that was a little scary! And so ridiculous that it is funny.
  5. Well, personally, if I am in an mva/ medical emergency I want anyone that understands how to use the equipment to respond. I won't be asking if he knows how to type well. I will be glad that he understands the concept of 'logroll' and how to use a spine board. And kudos to you, too, for being involved in ems at such a young age.
  6. Timmy, don't worry about your grammar and spelling. Anyone that takes the time to try to understand it can. I am proud of you for being involved in something worthwhile at your young age. And the lol's are ok, too! Some peple just feel the need to criticize anyone they can when they know they are imperfect themselves. And it was a funny story, pig shit does stink! Glad I wasn't there on that call with you!
  7. Well, I love it and I have never heard it before even if it is ten years old.....and the last time I checked I wasn't doing this for the money, diversity, career ladder, etc etc etc
  8. well anyone that knows me already knows the answer=- 100% dixie!! southern belle to the bone
  9. napave

    3 Word Story

    and ems workers
  10. napave

    3 Word Story

    and cats with
  11. NOW THAT IS JUST WRONG!!!!! (but i sent it to all my friends-lmao)
  12. napave


    MY ex-partner always wanted to hear 'Another One Bites the Dust' as loud as possible during codes. Not very optimistic if you ask me but she is a crazy bitch anyway. No longer in EMS- maybe she let too many bite the dust.
  13. BRUNO!!!! and I am a girl! Who would want to see a chick strip that had the name Bruno?
  14. Positive for Samsonite signs= patient waiting at the door with suitcase
  15. This wasn' on a call but it qualifies as stupid thing said. I was talking to a fellow emt at a restaurant. We were both off duty and happened to be at this place at the same time. I noticed he had a great tan. I asked had he been to the beach. He said "No, I have been working in the yard." I said "Oh that is a hard earned tan." That doesn't seem like much until you hear it out loud with a southern drawl. Try it and see if you get what I mean. LMAO
  16. What an idiot! I hope it was worth it to him.
  17. 'A Few Good Men' maybe?????
  18. ok here is one: "i know you ain't my husband cause i never loved him like i love you"
  19. a] [/font:34bccd151e]Allergic reaction at the yearly town festival. After fighting our way, code 3, through the crowded downtown streets that were blocked to traffic for the festival, we find the 'patient' inside the train depot. She was holding a cold pack to her forehead. Turns out one of the men displaying his model train had noticed that this female had a red forehead. He convinced her that she had an allergic reaction to having her eyebrows waxed. She had never had them waxed before that day so she didn't know that they would turn red. The man was a first responder in a neighboring state who just so happened to have his jump bag inside the depot with him. To make things even worse, we had to wait for a full size freight train to pass before we could leave the depot and return to the ambulance that was parked on the other side of the train tracks.
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