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Everything posted by tinman694

  1. Remember Columbus is the home of National Registry!!!
  2. Her Butt, Her Face---what's the difference?
  3. Ammonia inhalants are a wonderful tool if used to the proper effect. If the feds (or a state entity) wanted to whack a whacker, they could easily by just the possession of the sterile water (Prescription Required!) WTF-O Does he have a fully strobed, light bar equipped response vehicle as well----just in case? Sure we could all pitch in and get him a Que to 'fully outfit' the set up This is what I missed after being away from the fray for almost a year!
  4. So then I MUST reply with Skynyrd "Sweet Home Alabama" Where the Sky's so Blue!
  5. For today its "Everything about you" by Ugly Kid Joe.... I get Sick to be around, I can't stand to hang around, I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT......you!........
  6. "IF" by Bread....Simply Fly Away!
  7. Edukacation sucks....or at least those in Cleveland OH who got the misspelled diplomas said so. 200 hours is like taking basic again! GEEZ! Last time I totaled up the number of hours I had in a two year period for the recert to National Registry and the state---it came to 400 hours....hmmmm... (BTW...I also "Volunteer" and work two full time jobs?!) Stop the griping and learn to use grammar to its (at least readable) ability! Its not just skills...you have to know what the hell you are doing and why you are doing it!!!
  8. We are part time--doing both Fire and EMS. We operate 3 ALS units 24/7 with a Full time Day Crew and On Call Night crews. Works Well---but then again, this is a small southern town--not a 1000+sq mi. enterprise. We Bill and get paid (sometimes--although better than the local hospital!) ---so it can work. Local population voted for and approved a $100 per household 'emergency response fee' paid annually to cover---that helps in the transition to full time---but it will stay part time for the foreseeable future. Benefits are a killer to pay for....take it from a business owner's perspective!
  9. You Can Always go to General Delivery U and print it out!!! http://www.bandersnatch.com/gduedu.htm NOW THATS LEGIT!!!
  10. Your Name:Tinman 1. Famous singer/band:Toto 2. 4 letter word:Tits 3. Street name: Tullahoma Trace 4. Color: Tartan (If its not scottish...Its CRAP) 5. Gifts/presents: Tawdry Baubles 6. Vehicle: Tatra (Czech!) 7. Items on a menu: Thingies 8. Girl Name: Tatiana 9. Boy Name: Theodore 10. Movie Title: Taxi Driver 11. Drink: Tahitian 12. Occupation: Titty Inspector 13. Flower: Telephium 14. Famous Person: Teddy Roosevelt 15. Magazine: Teletubbies (UK) 16. US City: Tullahoma Tennessee (good ol' George Dickel!) 17. Famous Sports Team: Tittans (or Titans if you are so inclined) 18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Titties! 19. Something U Throw Away: Trash of course 20. Things You Shout: Tally-HO! 21. Cartoon Character: Tinkerbell (YESSSS!)
  11. Thanks for the excellent details. We just got a "were not gonna let you carry it anymore" and that was that. (I have only administered it twice in 5 years from looking back at records) Oh, well---not like we really see that much Narrow Complex Tach's either....mostly diabetics and drunks here in Dixie.
  12. We are currently doing the assessments for the SAVER program (DHS sponsored looking at First Responders...the major makes are represented) It has the tech notes associated....and the user results are forthcoming. You can view the results at https://www.dhs-saver.info/Default.aspx under the medical matrix. Could be helpful in making a decision.
  13. Just like I said..get a $20,000 Geezer Squeezer (AutoPulse) and you don't have to worry about compressions.... Then the door thing really does not matter any more.... Unless like the night before last when the charge nurse barges in and tells us to take that damn thing off the pt. and do proper compressions....hmmm.. (Oh, and we still waited outside the door for 1:30 while the receptionist came back from a potty break) :) Sorry....I forgot about the "sharks with friggin lazer beams man trap" I just want to hire Bambi and Thumper (Diamonds are forever) for my security detail (The old geezers SHOULD remember that one.....)
  14. at least we got good use out of our geezer squeezer---man that thing is cool.... Sure beats the crap out of the old thumper. Anyways....you can pick up worse stuff from shaking hands (if you have a moment, research Robert D. Raiford on the John Boy and Billy Big Show---he is the most ANTI hand shaking person in the world) This is one of those issues I want to apply common sense (if there is any) engineering to---we need a system to allow 'permitted' entities to enter and leave at will from the ED area, while denying unauthorized personnel access. I propose a segmented land mine man trap with double strung barbed razor wire and body heat detecting anti personnel missles with patrolling robotic killing dogs.... Works almost as well as having the big red button on the wall going to the reception desk 2 buildings away.....
  15. my new favorite one is the bright shiny red button (read panic button) on the outside door of the newest remodeled ED. Cool thing is you smack it with the elbow---and it automatically calls the receptionist in the other wing of the hospital (about 1/2 mile away) We stood there the other night for about 5 minutes (no kidding) working a code waiting for a door check! One of the guys kept saying 'dominoes pizza' which probably didn't help much either.... Pads are nasty---perimeter badges are cooler----why not have a direct access PERSON to let you in?! makes sense to me! .02
  16. The wheels on the bus go round and round....round and round...round and round The wheels on the bus go round and round....all through the town EVERYBODY SING!
  17. God I miss the Que on the Fender! Guess that is why I also ride the big red truck sometimes....memories..... We are still the Rodney Dangerfield profession....and for the foreseeable future it will remain.... Caller: There's a guy out here bleedin' heavy.....we need a MICU here now! 911 dispatcher: Ok Sir, Calm Down...did you say you want a bus or a Taxi? I will be sending the rescue ranger first response wacker corps vehicle immediately. Do you know if the patient has the appropriate insurance? Caller: huh? Should we continue?
  18. Tried to get a couple of boston butts out the back door---but was unsuccessful.
  19. I prefer "Gut Scow" or "Garbage Wagon" Nothing would inspire more prefessionalism than those two terms!!! On the Air, the cops call for a 10-52, or the Fire chief calls for a Rescue, Which dispatches an ecnalubmA.
  20. Shoot em' all and let God sort 'em out
  21. We always said it would....at least only a part of the kitchen was burned before got stopped. http://wsfa.com/Global/story.asp?S=8172926
  22. Hence why they cannot staff the department! Forget being a medic...i am going into politics!!!! Would you vote for me????
  23. Remember this important tip: Gun Control means using BOTH hands! Cheers!
  24. No no no! you get in the wackermobile with the mini light bar a blazin! and drive around calling out on the bullhorn in the direction of travel. when you find the pt. be sure to hobble them--using your handy dandy S&W cuffs and dog leash. Make sure to flash your badge around 2 or three times! Then get your personal ALS trauma kit out of the trunk and start 'treatin :roll: Ok....so i am obviously flatulating in the room.....it was too hard to resist!
  25. Gawd---my county is bigger than RI...YEA!!! We only have 3 facilities (1 aid station calling itself an ED, one ED (sorta like a Quiki Med with a Doc in the box), and a Level 1 trauma Center) Usually, when the level 1 goes to diversion, the other 2 follow (just because) Its more fun to get a patient and just come on in to the one you think will best treat the pt. Screw the administration and their 'policy'. 4 hours of you waiting to get in? I would be raising hell with the charge nurse immediately. WTF?????? Guess you gotta do what you gotta do...but geez...why do we get crapped on when it comes down to bringing in the business for the ED? hmmmm.......
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