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Everything posted by tinman694

  1. From the re registration materials I rec'd from Registry, you can take the written test 1 time, or complete the normal refresher requirements. Do you think NREMT will require testing every 2 years to recertify and will you do it to remain NREMT?
  2. All y'all are yankees you're north of Birminham That's from someone in LA --- (Lower Alabama)
  3. agreed with VS-- and NS Flushes ARE prescription meds...read the packaging--- Most anything having to do with an invasive procedure (such as performing IV cannulation) requires physician oversight---that's US Federal law. (cannot quote exact one at the moment--but it is true) If this is something you are pursuing, you should consult the EMS board of the state you are in and get an ALS license. Then if you are appropriately staffed, this would become a non issue. hmmmm........
  4. tinman694


    Other than having it cause me to go into anaphylactic shock (because I have a severe allergy to poultry)...Bring it on....sounds DEE LISCH
  5. Those shows do allow us to have something else to talk about too! :twisted: Why is it that the original poster to this topic has not responded to what their intent was? Now this whole topic has rambled on to something else all together!
  6. She should have done a "Hold my Beer and Watch This...." Then it would have been successful! Make sure it is Milwaukee's Best or Natural Lite........ Cheers!
  7. EMS Based Fire suppression is a mainstay of the Southeastern United states description of the "Fire Service" --- at least the only area I am intimately familiar with. If you do not believe me---just check the NFIRS run data for those departments who claim to have fire and ems.... It is not even close...and this is not a blanket statement---the fire service would be without much funding without having the EMS 'mandate' hehehe....that's gonna stir things up a bit... Around here...if you want to make a rank--you have to ride the box....doesn't mean you have to give a flip....
  8. Profanity and cannot even spell it correctly to boot! (I know---the filter catches all) Remember...fireMEN know all...... hehehe
  9. So you got a problem with Alabama? HUH???
  10. This all reminds me of a call a few weeks ago with an AMS (altered mental status we cannot use the word Psych in any way anymore) or "Pharmaceutically Gifted" young male we attended. I am still convinced we (the crew) encountered a demon in human form. But with one of the FireMonkeys (6'4 300) 2 cops--average size (6'0 200) plus my self (6'2 220) we kept him at bay until we could get some vitamin H on board (a bunch---still don't know exactly how much the doc got on board) Point is...body language and talking sometimes work--but sometimes a demonstration of how not to act like an ass is helpful. See---cops are good for something else to include spotting Hazmat incidents for you! I still like Crack-O-Sodes too.......
  11. I see a flame war developing.....hmmmm Can't we all just get along? You know what this ends up every time there is the firemonkey vs ems debate---everyone has their own opinion and nothing will change. Facing the reality of the situation where I am--the municipality is too cheap to put forth money for real change in the response (as it is surely in many other jursidictions) SO, EMS WILL remain in the Fire domain. The Elitists will continue to say "It doesn't belong there", the rank and file will do their job, and the calls will (somehow) still get answered. EMS will continue to languish in the netherworld where it lacks the respect or professional recognition it (should) deserve And what I say on here doesn't amount to a hill of beans......so THERE
  12. They also make good moving targets for shooting practice
  13. We use the B&D's and they work fine.... If you get into the situation where you know its gonna blow (especially elderly and diabetics) skip the tourn---That is something I have known for almost 20 years and it hasn't failed yet--- My luck is always getting the 800 pound 80 year old diabetic chain smoker with no vascular system and getting bitc%ed at because YOURE HURTING ME. then the rest of the guys start the razzing---and it gets out of control-- Stick'em hard, stick'em quick and find something else to worry about.
  14. Detroit has been the worst city for the past 30 years--- We moved away in 1982---it was #1 in murder rape and robbery then! Drivers in Atlanta are worse though....gotta be the #1 city for stupidity.
  15. Why did I wake up from my first cancer surgery singing "Tiny Bubbles"? Most fun I had after giving a pt. a liberal dose of Vitamin-V was the number of languages they began to speak--almost correctly? I only know 4 of the many they broke in to--- But when the pt. asked if we were gonna stick a tube in his dick....then things went south real fast. (He spit in the face of the nurse who was performing the 'procedure' about 3 min. earlier) So you can imagine the outcome---something like cleaning a gun with heavy lead deposits? Ahhh--the fun of it all.
  16. So is that only when they are having a 'crack-a-sode'? Or just 'crack-o-licious'? (Thank my wife for that one) We have our fair share of fat people in the south---if they can walk--you walk them. What is the big deal?
  17. I thought everyone on this forum was AGAINST ever using L&S????? Just wondering? If coordinated with appropriate help, you can get through urban areas better than you ever could on your own. We still have a 'courtesy clearance' call that goes to local agencies when you call in a 'hot' run. For the most part, the state troopers will assist you if you need it, the city police will not.... Interagency BS is still alive and well.....
  18. ohh ohh..I have an answer to the whole problem!!!!!! Lets take the Lights and Sirens off the Ambulances and have a giant WACKERS ONLY sale on ebay!!! Then we could double our business model...selling off the useless gear on the big white box AND making more trauma clients to boot! Sounds like a GREAT idea to me!!! Couldn't resist chiming in.... Anyone yell FIRE! in a crowded theatre lately??? There are studies on the effectiveness of going L&S and patient outcomes-do not have them immediately available, but there are a few (have them when I teach EVOC) Main thing is this--if you are in control of the situation, you should not have to be in a rush....most calls (and I am referring to most...not all) are simply an EMS provider taking a chaotic situation and RAPIDLY moving it to the closest available hospital facility for someone else to worry about. So...why did I spend those YEARS in school getting a paramedic degree to operate as a taxi service for someone else's emergency---thought the goal was to be smart hands for a physician to ensure the best care possible in the field for a sick/injured person(s)? hmmmmm....and the debate rages on and on and on....
  19. Come on down south and try that crap.... You WILL get more than you bargained for---5 rounds in the pt. compt. would be minor. Just don't drive here barefoot....
  20. Personally used 3 times (2 trauma, 1 other) with good results--provided it was flushed per instruction (10cc) we also used the BP cuff method of infusion as suggested, which worked well. One of the issues which has helped at my service is our use of the Autopulse (I know--sep thread) which makes getting peripheral access easier on non trauma pts. Only real problem is the ignorance of most other providers in using the device--they simply won't go to it---same as going to newer airway devices (like the King). As we have only had the drill (as I like to call it) for about 6 months, it is still too 'new'--but it does work--and I will use it when we need to get good patent access quickly and don't have time to screw around with non existent peripheral access. For those who say my skills are lacking---go get bent---if someone builds a better mousetrap--use it.
  21. Sophmoric Morons the whole lot of ya!
  22. Rocket Scientist....No Kidding
  23. YEA SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!!!! Only thing I can say about SM is when I visited Italy earlier in the year and had to go to a Pronto Soccorso they did immediately treat my anaphaxis....that's a good thing...... Positive Sign of Samsonitis....or Incarsaritis!
  24. So Lets do what my wife started after one of those calls last Friday night at 2am--- Call the Boo Boo Taxi. Something Rising on your Tucus? Call the Boo Boo Headache and Stomach Cramps? Boo Boo is the Answer Need a Ride home and no one will pick you up? The Boo Boo Will! Have 5 new Cadillacs in the driveway, but nobody wants to go to see the doctor but you? The Boo Boo will get you there in style! We will bill your medicare/medicaid but they probably won't pay. Have a nice day!
  25. Funny thing to me is the pay is not much better than in the states (from the active listings on the NHS site) ...The pay looks to be about $25,000 a year to $35,000 a year (in USD) which would be almost impossible to live on in a major UK city.... So why would you want to leave the good ol' USA?
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