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Everything posted by tinman694

  1. Started taking a couple of Meclizine before a bender (24 or better) and that helps a bunch...but had 2 strokes (with puke) and a pref bowel (from GSW) just last shift...so no bitching from any of y'all. And I DID NOT technicolor yawn!!!
  2. We still only have the old fashioned method...handcuffs.
  3. Watched this cool movie called "Mother, Jugs and Speed" at the drive in and wanted that to be my career. Where else can you drink a beer AND drive AND Save lives.... And of course get that massage with the cool "muscle stimulation" device.
  4. And here I was thinking "gee...am I the only medic who gets sick with the patients?" Actually, I get carsick in the back seat...much less doing transports....Any advice on that one? I keep a red bag in my pocket for such 'emergencies' heheeh
  5. 100% baby...WooHOO!!! Can't you see me a comin' down the road with the stars and bars a wavin and the lights a flashin'? Git outta the way cuz the response is a happpenin....even got me a ladder on the rack of the truck to get up high!
  6. God I miss the old superior with the twin meteors and Que on the roof! Probably why I am partially deaf now. Yes, Ambulances are smaller than they were...and will be getting even more so with the new CAFE standards passing congress now.
  7. U's de shizznet un de big DAWG! I wan da man who can spelz like dis runnin' dem 12 leds and droppin' dem combiz o me! U's da MAN! RIIIIIIIGHT...... Remind me not to head to New Hampshire anytime soon...
  8. We can give a patient report to the nurse at the recieving, but have to talk to the doc for anything related to intervention...which is the way it should be. As a medic, you are the "smart hands" for the doctor who will (hopefully) be treating the pt. you are bringing in. Guess this is why I am considered a gray beard in the field...still remember the "mother may I" and the telemetry phone days. Sorry, but a PA and NP do not have any more credentials (or education for that matter) than I do when it comes to the decision making....the system is set up to be run by a qualified physician. Alles Klar?
  9. And Now for the rest of the news... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Guns are Kewl...you should carry several and lots of ammo for those whackers who have madness and mahem on their twisted minds. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  10. Need I remind everyone that in the past fire brigades were based on the system in the video. The "team" would arrive and solicit payment (or a bid for payment) and if satisfactory, they would begin operations. The dalmation was an extremely loyal companion dog who would protect the brigade's equipment and water supply. Wouldn't it be fun to return to the good ol' days?
  11. All I can say is that we need a fleet of em.... I really like the Afterburner....that's what makes it look so FUN!
  12. Scary thing is....I live that every day in my 'real' job.... Welcome to Initech
  13. Uh, welcome to most states protocols (at least in the southern states of the US I am familiar with) we carry 21 drugs...but hey...they are adding glucagon and thiamine this year! Who Hoo! And of course no RSI--even though we were 'trained' and 'tested' for it...hahah that was a joke. Anytime I can come up and work in Canada? Would prefer the summer to escape the humidity down here! Just tell me where and when to report and will show you a thing or two.
  14. BLASHPEMER! You should all pick up you copy of Galls and purchase all Dyna Med® Products immediately. And Do not forget to include your 2¢ worth of !!!$"&(@'/ÿüùÖÆ when you order.
  15. Our Dispatchers (for the City where I work) usually page out "General Medical" This has been everything from a "My Finger Hurts" Call to a multi car 16 patient MVC. We see it all for a smaller (but RAPIDLY growing) town.
  16. Quit copying me man, I have my 59' Caddy convert a hearse sitting the driveway ready to roll. And you don't need half that crap to jump a call anyways. Just a couple of trauma pads and a triangular bandage will do in a pinch. Even installed the cool 'Ghostbusters' siren.
  17. I still miss the Federal Que (Like on the fire apparatus) we had on the caddy---an of course the Meteor's... The reason for hearing loss is probably because of the electronic siren on the roof... And the manifold suction!! oh god, it never did work worth a damn.. And to think I left and came back through again!!
  18. Look Boss...De Plane...De Plane... Get on the SHORT BUS WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! SPED RULEZ! The Moral of the story is the last choice on the voting.... Most of ours are Pieces of SH!T oh....did I say that?
  19. TOIL What we do in EMS.... Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble
  20. COOL Like me!!! Tinman is SOOOOO COOL!!
  21. tinman694

    3 Word Story

    the idiotic must NOW ITS 46 Pages!!!!!
  22. sear
  23. MY new favorite is with the sleeping rooms at the station...the management in their brilliance has installed speakers (to the radio room) and buzzers (which activate after the station tones go off) I found the 'secret' spot where the relay for the buzzers and the speaker patch connector has been located...and installed a 'magic remote' complete with an old Mr. Microphone... Let the evil begin... and give me sharks with frickin lazer beams on their heads I am also an IT guy (where I really do for a living) So I run the system....we have a pretty sophisticated set up for a small department--including a wonderful lil squid proxy server--- Its fun to set up a capture portal for some peoples logins!!! (Think of when you connect by wireless at the airport or a hotel--before you can surf off, you have to hit an agreement button) Now...think about the evil things you can do to someone when they cannot get off of 'insert porn site here'.com Hopefully they won't figure it out too soon....keep chalking it up to 'bad surfing habits'
  24. tear
  25. yeeeeeee hawwwwwwwwwww What ever.... Why do we still get so darn riled over a couple of Mo-Rons? Hell....why don't we just all paint stars and bars on the tops of the box and install dixie horns and see if we can jump Johnson's creek where the bridge is out? Posers will be posers Think it is time for a beer or 24....how about y'all? And While you are at it...hold my beer and watch this!!! I feel better now!
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