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Everything posted by tinman694

  1. lied
  2. Neil
  3. Uh, I'm already in at my state level--- We passed 9 bills the past term and have the legislatures and governor's favorable opinion. Will support anything to improve the non-system we seem to now have. As far as congress goes....good luck--you'll need it.
  4. I still think the days of pure volly EMS are nearly over. We are a combination department now--so you still have the chance to 'volunteer' if that what you are inclined to do. (we are paid per call by the municipality) A portion of the funds goes towards operations, we get $10 per call to cover 'expenses' such as gas, gear etc. For rural areas, I think this kind of model should work ok for the foreseeable future--where you have set paid crews with the ability to 'surge' when needed...This still gives those of us who have 'other' jobs the chance to participate. In terms of having other allied pros in on the gig, the question is "why have we waited until now?" It can be an exciting time to move forward with a comprehensive plan towards community based health services and meet the needs with more business sense rather than political rhetoric...but we know what seems to always happen when it comes to political domain and money...
  5. Do a search on personal vehicles, whacker, whackers, lights, wackers, what do you carry, and others - and you shall recieve your answer. For the most part, we consider ourselves to be of the professional sort (or somewhat professional)...anyways. If you find that you need to have L&S on a personal vehicle, you need serious professional mental help--The notion that we have a complete 'kit' on board our personal car to 'respond' isn't a rational thing to be doing. People get hurt (read killed) from stupid mistakes people make 'responding'. Leave the response to duly appointed--and recognizible emergency vehicles (Like the big white box, the big red truck etc) If your community seems to need you to respond by POV to scene, it needs to pony up some money to have full time response capability which would have some forethought to protect said citizens of the community. Volunteer Fire Departments, EMS organizations et al get a bad rap by those who seem to have to 'be there', endangering everyone else on the road by their selfish actions (Your POV is not an emergency vehicle--therefore, other drivers DO NOT have to yield the right of way! This is true in EVERY state) Oh, and be sure to check the DOT Placard requirements for carrying hazardous materials--(the O2 cylinder is such) you are required to be placarded...do you also have the appropriate placards on your vehicle? One could go on for several pages on the cons--which has been done (over and over and over and over and over again) when you do your search on the first topics mentioned. With that said, my affiliation is with a primarily volunteer organization (which would be considered a combination) department, which relies on individuals responding from home to the station (We are a Fire based ALS Transport Service). Normally an ambulance crew mans the station (Which is paid for by tax dollars and billing for services! Wow!) If said crew is out on another call--others respond from home by POV--at the speed limit, without flashing lights, driving normally, to the station to pick up another unit (of which we have 3) and go to the call. At most it takes 6-8 minutes to roll another unit with a full crew(which is better than the 'full time' department in a neighboring large city-whose responses are sometimes more than 15 minutes) This is true in many other cities and towns which I have lived in the past--none of them needed to have yahoo's running to the scene in their pickup trucks. If you have a BLS bag in your vehicle with some 4x4's bandaids and gauze with a BP cuff etc. Fine--It probably will come in handy some time--but don't get the idea you can save the world with it. Or you could be like the the guy one time we had at a large sporting event. About 10 of us (several were Paramedics) went to a ball game-- a drunken fan fell down a couple of steps and gashed his head--nothing bad, just a small cut on the top of the scalp. We checked him out a bit (having no BSI) one of the crew got the attention of the security guard who said that the emergency response crew would be there shortly. The guy had attracted a crowd--but before the stadium crew came to treat him, some yahoo jumped in and yelled--"Stand Back, I'm an EMT Basic! I will begin treatment!" Finally after about 3 minutes the stadium crew arrived (They were wearing uniforms, with disco patches no less) The guy didn't want to turn over "his" patient to the qualified crew. Needless to say we saw him getting the boot from the security goons in about 30 seconds. Am I restating the obvious.....YES! Sorry...needed to get that fat worked off my fingers and rant some for mental health..... Thank you for your attention.
  6. Of course down here I don't have such FANCY things as winders---just have an ol' hefty bag taped over the passenger side. The front lights are 2 big D cell Maglights and the rear is of dem there railroad lanterns that sometimes works....just have to excuse the gun rack and the 30-06 for gettin them varmits. Musn't mess with the stars and bars on the front bumper either! WHACKERS UNITE! Welcome to the City...
  7. Actually, my old man was one of those "ambulance attendants' for awhile and they knew some of what was coming. He was also a battlefield medic and they did what they could do for the patients. Ambulances were a community service provided by a local business--they were intended to be a means of transport when other methods would not be practical. (Do a search on BandAidPatrol--he had several on what the early days were like) Changes come about when they are necessary, not because we can 'do better' like the fire service. This tired argument goes to the root of what is wrong with medicine now...we are not the root cause, and we are not the answer--we do what we are told to do by those who make the rules (Like physicians?) We do what they want us to do. If you cannot figure that one out, you are in the wrong line of work. :twisted: Why do we have to troll and bring the same tired arguments up.
  8. If you believe or not, he exists and he loves YOU. Oh, and why is it that it took millions of years to 'evolve' from that common ancestor? Ever thought that maybe 'reality' as we know it is much much younger? Say like 6000 years or so? hmmmmmm...... Deep Thoughts....
  9. Guys named Barry usually mean trouble....at least every one in EMS (or even outside EMS) that I have known was a pain in the ass.
  10. I especially liked the intubation of the A&O x4 toddler who was having an asthma attack---along with the almost finger puncturing IO (With no aspiriation or flushing) At least Rescue 51 was usually 'by the book' The writing and acting are not even.....so Why are we even discussing it?????? Guess we all have nothing else better to do?
  11. ITS a TRAP!
  12. I threw away all of the porn tapes at the station! And Implemented sensitivity training for those inclined to seek advanced education as lawyers!
  13. OK, we know it is stupid... So will the state EMS board have some balls and pull St. Paul fire EMS License? That would be the CORRECT thing to do--- They don't seem to want to perform this service to the community (as evidenced by the attitude of the chief of the department and the captain...oh and the UNION rep....hahahahah) Guess that is why I am not on any political boards....if this kind of situation came up the proverbial book would be thrown at the offending agency. Not a 1 day suspension, not a 'we made the best decision'--cut 'em off clean and hand them back to 'em in a velvety box. For the amount of tax money they are paying for this 'service' I am sure a private service could do a better job.....
  14. Make sure to keep it out of the station!!! Those pesky lawyers will find out!
  15. Uh, actually I am a rocket scientist---and a fireman.... (Orbital Data Analysis anyone?) How come no one has come up to me and asked? I love the jerks who get behind you in the right lane and tailgate you
  16. We should all take said math test before responding to any call..... Wonder how many could pass it even fully awake? :shock:
  17. She just needs a beer!
  18. Its a lack of Soft porn.....definately a lack of soft porn....
  19. I vote for the Disney approach...like the old "peoplemaker' in tomorrowland...Just a continuous flow of patients winding in a loop throughout the facility. Speaking from experience...we have 3 hospitals in the immediate area who have 'increased' the size of each ED...( at least tripled their size and number of beds) They are still all just as full as ever--of mostly uninsured folks seeking primary care instead of getting it at a physicians office. With my background in social science research, you can definitively make the numbers say whatever you want them to....Its not hard especially when you want that 450million dollar sleeper car tram system with a built in coffee bar and live entertainment.... (But don't let it be R rated....or else!!!!)
  20. Betty Crocker has to monitor the world for R movies! If there is a TV in the station (Cable or otherwise) Good luck stopping it---watching Hard core porn is never acceptable and would get anyone busted-- Oh, forgot to mention.... MILF
  21. I always love the Perry Mason dramatics...... AC and Foley Catheters ALL AROUND!!! NO EXCEPTIONS.
  22. Where I work, we are at most 15 minutes from the farthest facility (5 ED's) going emergent--if it is a stay and play--we will, but the question is WHY? It would take between 10-15 minutes to get poison control on the phone and definitive instructions for care---I will be doing it en route to the nearest facility if warranted. Where I used to run, in a large western states county...we had 45 minute to 1 hour transport times...then you could be doing more for the patient--- Even if you are in the remotest part of Georgia, you can still be at a decent sized ED in maybe 20min.... (as we are in neighboring states) So I guess what I would like to know is why you would take additional time to 'follow protocol' and delay more definitive care (while practicing cookbook medicine) rather than just transporting in and treating what you can en route...... Also, does poison control over rule medical control? If we pulled such a stunt...`I know for a fact everyone involved license would be pulled---they make the call not you.
  23. If we did so, it would be a violation of protocols...probably with serious consequences...(like your license to practice) We don't have the new protocols--so it would be 15 drops and haul them in...but then again, down in the deeeep south we are beyond slooooow in changing anything.... I will still call in and speak with the doc before blindly following the protocols--which is something you should be learning to do and should practice doing--you are the smart hands for the physician and they need to be in on what you are doing. It is very confusing to a new student to be taught one thing, but observe something else in the field--you should always learn the textbook first backwards and forwards before 'branching out'--period. You can learn the shortcuts with more field experience after you have completed your 'formal' education and testing. Geez...I am sounding more and more like my High School Trig teacher every day!
  24. The two times I have worked Ethyline glycol cases...we stopped by the State Store on the way in and got what the patient needed....Only wish we could have gotten what "we" needed.
  25. Look at the combination of past hx, meds and smoking--- assess neurological---Symptomatic of PE or poss CVA? Pt. would be ALS--Utilize BLS for initial care, assistance with assesment and pt.movement-- IV, o2, Monitor and transport---I mean really...why would you want to stay and play? Pt. could have variety of problems beyond what we need to worry about--we treat...but we do not Diagnose And what is up with the equipment? Not gonna drag the truck up 2 flights on a Gen Med....
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