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Everything posted by tinman694

  1. Whacker Anyone?
  2. In reference to previous posts regarding what should be the minimum requirements for admission to Paramedic school, I wondered what academic qualifications many of the contributors might have obtained. Many of the answers posted seemed to discriminate on lack of fundamental coursework in medicine. It appears that there are also preconcieved notions regarding what constitutes a credible academic background to practice as a paramedic. The poll is a non scientific method of seeing just what level (albeit somewhat incomplete) of education some might choose to share with the rest of us. Please be honest in the answers. [/font:bc6d35a2a5]
  3. What do you think? And Why did you post? And Why is the sky blue? Who the hell are you?
  4. Reading this makes me think as to why most states have eliminated (or are currently considering eliminating) intermediate from the scope. Why is it that some people just do not get it? For once I agree with the numerous posts about edu-ma-ka-shun--a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Instead of picking drug X from the box and stating "Why can't I give this, its harmless?" Why not consider giving a little more to the time and effort of becoming a provider who can already give the medication. I know that this has been stated over and over and over and over and over again, but these posts keep coming back!
  5. Course we have some medics here who put the pt. on NC @2lpm who are in resp arrest....but that is only because 'they might start breathing again' which would require actual work. Sounds like someone who didn't know what they were doing and started yelling at their lower level partner to cover incompetence? I personally give it to them in the highest form the pt. will accept it. Hypoxic drive be damned--if they stop breathing it is just another chance to tube em'. (oh, and I am a paramedic too) Flame on!
  6. Sorry you are in West By God..... (My Mom is from the northeastern part of the state--and I have several relatives who still remain--Who knows why?) If you want to get paid anything, you will probably need to move--most places I know of up there pay min. wage at best. Course there is always the mines!
  7. Down south, there is a shortage of basics at present... but they don't pay any more than what the first post had--about 6.50/hr You can make 7.00/hr at BK or working for the clown.
  8. What about the real world implications of the Bell-Lapadula Model on EMS vehicle operations....now that would be a REALLY exciting topic to me. Oh, and I just got back from Hawaii...working there no less---Couldn't find any Mount and Do...(Plus had to leave the Wife at home!)
  9. Uh, Narcosis (read Narc'ed) only happens at depth. It is from the high partial pressure of nitrogen you have due to the pressure differential (each 33 foot depth is 1 atmosphere--so around 100 feet you are getting about 3x the nitrogen you get on the surface) it is a narcotic effect, similar to getting Nitrous oxide at the dentist. You don't get it on the surface (Unless you have a nitrous bottle lying about) The main reason for left lateral would also be for general airway control---as people who embolize or are badly bent usually PUKE! And I mean by the bucket full. Most laypersons who take the general emegency dive med courses (Like the PADI and SSI rescue courses) don't know anything, so you give them some simple steps to perform. The Left Lateral would also help on the bubble formation, but I defer to my esteemed college in the previous posts. Best thing for someone suspected of emboli or the bends is High Flow O2, and a Texaco Drip to the nearest Decompression chamber for a ride. As a regular diver who also does rescue (read recovery) That is something I really do fear!
  10. Hmmm....Then what does that say about Dustdevil then? Had to say it!!!
  11. 99% Dixie... But I am in LA after all (Lower ALABAMA!) I still love my "God Bless those Dixie Firefighters" Shirts.....NOT!
  12. Lets all panic and run around in circles beating our heads..... Geez...everyone tends to over react to a half baked 'study'...After looking over many of the materials (The ones you can at least get to) it seems to lack both the reliability and validity to do a positive, realistic job of telling what is really happening. As a former social science researcher, It is easy to make the numbers do what ever you want them to if you try to. Some people are easy to tube, some are a pain in the behind--Some you just can't get in the field or otherwise. If the doctors determine we (as paramedics) are not capable--then we shouldn't be doing it. I seriously doubt that will happen.
  13. Because it is fun to be the 1 out 5 doctors who won't back whatever product :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
  14. I'm Ready, I'm Ready....to be SPONGEBOB!!! Spongebob is my HERO!!!
  15. I would guess it was your presentation of "cardiac arrest resulting from seizure" Wouldn't there be any other underlying cause? BTW--we had an autopulse demo a month or so back--it looks like a promising technology to me. And I like toys!
  16. Uh Rid, its a Deposition--usually done in an office with the lawyers and a reporter. Hope you do good documentation..this is an example of why we should--then IF you do get called, you can get a copy of the report and read what you did! Just review what you have on the incident in question and answer what they ask you--don't be forthcoming with other information. It should not be a big deal. And under no circumstances discuss with anyone else or Lie!!!
  17. Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker Wanker There I said it!!!! I need to get a picture of a real wankermobile and post it here.....hmmmm
  18. tinman694


    At least you carry something... Only thing we can carry and use is valium--of course not on a trauma. We do have the Texaco Drip though...
  19. Guess we are wierd then...We are a volunteer Fire Department and ALS service (Although we have gone to a 'pay per call' setup--10 Bucks Per Run) Anyone else in TV Land have something like that?
  20. The usual stuff applies...and the smoking advice is good...I don't like nasty smokers. BE Yourself! and show confidence! Remember you are selling a product (You) so practice with a friend or two in answering some of the off the wall questions you know will be asked...have a game plan before going.
  21. OR you could put out some NASKAR Flags for the southern boys! That there would get the attention ya need!
  22. I cannot believe he could even THINK that one :twisted: Back to the original thread though--Rid's observation about some medic's being picky goes for the Nursing test--they think that because 'they' do it all, someone else should clean up the shit. Or is my logic too twisted? If you want to be a nurse, go to nursing school! You have to be willing to do it--that is all!
  23. I just like to give it to the wife (Who finishing nursing school) in regards to having to take care of bodily functions.... If someone has a BM, I would take care of it. I think she wants to work in the ED or Neonatal anyways--so there you can move them, or clean up the little turds... Oh, and the comparison for Rid should be Nurses=$$$ Paramedics=c (or Cents)
  24. Make it work for you!!! EMS is full of willing participants! You are GOD after all Seriously, sounds like you could have a plan, but the logistical nightmares and management of som many folks sounds like more than I would want to deal with. (I manage several gov't contracts--which are REALLY fun) IF you can negotiate some iron clad contracts with the providers (and then the 'employees') sounds like something you can do some fiddling with and make bucks. Margins are where you are going to live or die. If you keep them up and don't react to the market, the dream will die. Make sure you have a comprehensive business plan and follow it!
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