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Everything posted by tinman694

  1. Nobody Remembers AC|DC? Highway to Hell Twisted Sister? Were not gonna take it anymore OR How about Captain Howdy? Alice Cooper? Poison OR Count Basie? One O'Clock Jump (As in 1AM!)
  2. Last Friday night--worked a code--Hit the stomach with a tube (the pt airway was very small and took another try to hit it) caused a geyser--my wife was present and kept saying 'easy! Easy!' still got it all over my pants--it was a nasty pink color and the pt. had consumed some type of fish with red wine. Never puked on a delivery--But I have on a rough ride with a non emergent patient. I also get motion sick very easily- why am I a medic????? Driving is better for me...
  3. Nurses=Wipe Ass Paramedic=Beyond my scope of practice
  4. Had to comment on this too...the wife is in nursing school now--you have to have a commitment to nursing to be one...she has 3 degrees already (2 associates and 1 bachelors), but had to 'begin again' when it came to the nursing courses. You have to have a degree in Nursing to even sit for the NCLEX..period. We looked into the 'bridge' course at a not too distant college--the requirements were stupid. You can go ahead and get a full associates RN in the time it takes to do the bridge course and sit for the exam. The RN program is associates level--meaning a 2 year degree. Which in my opinion IS NOT that hard to complete! So why does everyone think because you have a paramedic cert you should also be entitled to be a nurse? It is not true---Go forth and take the additional 2 years of education and be a nurse AND a paramedic. Having the medical background will only help you do well as a nurse!
  5. We have to take it to renew your state license (Every 2 yrs) if you maintain the 'driver' portion. (i.e. Paramedic/Driver) The class to me is a kind of joke--as I was a cop and pursuit driving/motorcycle instructor. Guess one thing I find funny is that the course is really a couple of hours in an evening and MAYBE a short stint in a parking lot around cones (for the first timers). We really should have more wheel time in driving dynamics and handling--especially with the type 3's around here (pregnant whales). Of course we have many local FD's who let any 18 yr old take the wheel of a Pumper or Tanker---that is what really scares the crap out of me.
  6. Just wondering if anyone did like I did and carry an umbrella policy on the homeowners Ins. Did the research and found that it will cover us liability wise in the event of a problem (outside of purposefully committing a criminal act)
  7. I like the janitor look... These are major concerns...and a corporate logo is something I would also suggest be done as quickly as possible. Through the successful small companies I have started, having a logo helps in the marketing aspects a great deal--but you need a solid business plan, plenty of capital-and the brains to hire the best people you can and...stick to the plan!
  8. Is Dust getting soft and showing the ol' soft underbelly? Should we not be hard nosed professionals uncaring about who or what we do to others? Talking to my patients and reassuring them if they are scared, or discussing their concerns if warranted is MY JOB! Getting sucked in requires you to be willing to be.
  9. NASKAR!!!! YEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Its the state sport of Alabama!!! Just like draftin and Drivin'
  10. Could there not be a racial aspect to this aforementioned situation as well? The writer of another article on the same subject made it a point to mention an 'influx' of Hispanic residents (Oh my!)--If the guy said he would pay the dues on the spot--then there is a problem with the billing model here. Reminiscent of the 'poll tax' of the 1950's....Maybe some here are too young to remember that one...
  11. Helmets are for Wussies (and Wankers) Seriously though--why don't we just design a better mousetrap and make a working environment that is safe AND easy to Clean? Now that would be revolutionary!
  12. Down here in the south dem things is dangerous! You can't touch'em. (Thought the Colloquialism might be cute) We have a perception problem down here that you cannot do aseptic technique in an ambulance (go figure) Think it would be much easier for many of the regulars we have (many who have ports) to get access quickly and with less pain/problems--but then again, who thinks about these things?
  13. Its Georgia for crying out loud...nothing is right in Georgia.... And Where is the check box for PARAGOD??? HMMM???? I feel so let down...being a paragod and all.. hahahahahaaha
  14. One NON word: IRREGARDLESS It makes you look REALLY stupid when it is said...and especially written to someone with any education. I have been peeved about this for too long now. This has been a good stress reliever!!! Thank you for your attention.
  15. Cannot resist-- Why is it that every time I bring in a COPD on HF02 the recieving nurse usually freaks out then? I agree with Dust--why is it there is no medical justification--but people still do it-- Sort of like using the non word IRREGARDLESS---It makes me mad.
  16. What I think sucks is the whole notion of whose behind sits in the chair the longest is the one in charge? For instance, Lets say you have 10 years experience, Numerous degrees (Masters included), certs out the ying yang, and someone who was an employee for lets say 3 months longer than you were (sans the degrees or anything else for that matter) is senior? Not that having the responsibility is that great--but something is wrong with that situation...
  17. In ther rural south some places allow them to drive (as they must have EVOC Licenses from the Dept. of Health) In terms of functioning, they are BLS providers and can be supervised by an EMT-Basic or Paramedic. FR's here for the most part would have EVOC and function as a driver--so yes, Virginia, they could function as primary members of a transport unit. (My assumption of course is that most Drivers here are trained to the level of a CFR--MS and AL do not recognize CFR as a level for EMS)
  18. Thanks...I was worrying that I was one... :twisted:
  19. We Only wish we could be so cool!!! :lol: Guess I am a wacker though..have a FD plate, and sometimes wear my embroidered firemedic jacket to my 'real' job. WTH...isn't it nice to have some pride in your work too?
  20. So that would be what .45 (Cents) American? Couldn't resist!!!!
  21. i needz me a edaumkachion. Teaching posts will give all levels of providers some additional insight into the profession.
  22. What is your name? Tinman When is your birthday? Sometime in May Eye color? Brown Hair color? Turning Gray What nationality(s) are you? English, German, Injun, Swiss and others Any piercings? Nope Any tatoos? Nope--but lots of Scars You have three wishes, what are they? Whirlled Peas, End to stupid drivers and Jesus's Second Coming What sound can you not stand? Someone Barfing Special talents? Several (For instance--Motor Repair while enroute to a call) What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Take a leak What is the last song you sang? Epic by Faith No More--What is it??? Do you play any instruments? Trombone, Tuba, Baritone, Trumpet, Sax, Piano and Guitar Do you know any random facts? How does the Bell-LaPadula Mathematical Model Affect your daily life? BE HONEST- Do you listen to show tunes? One word- OKLAHOMA! Do you want to go to college? Already graduated several times Whats the first thing you do when you get home from work? Take a leak Is there anyone you are desperate to meet? Currently Alive? No Do you dance around your house when nobodys home? No Favorite quote? I was looking for the Fountain of Knowledge...But all I found was the puddle of Stupid--From John Boy and Billy in the morning... Main source of exercise? Yard Work Yay or Nay Diet Pepsi? NAY Kids? Not Yet Bread? Yay! Hair cuts? Yay! Hiking? Yay! Black and white photography? Yay! Coffee? Nay! What C.D.s are in your sterio right now? Stereo? What's a Stereo? I like my 8 track! Guilty pleasures? Several If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Fruity Pebbles Speak other languages? Ja! Sie Sprechen Favorite song (as of right now)? Don't have one Favorite flower? Flowers? Contacts, glasses, or neither? glasses---only when driving Hometown? Don't have one Favorite Drink? Whiskey Have you ever been in love? (depending on what your concept of love is) Yes...Still Am Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yup Assertive or passive? Assertive Sing in the shower? Occasionally Any regrets? Nope Do you swear? Are you kidding? F*@# yea! Do you have any pet peeves? Many--I don't wanna bore you though Favourite Ice cream flavor? Rum Rasin Haagen Daazs Member of the red light club?What is the red Light club?
  23. We have Drivers only here in AL...Only the true drivers can't work in certain cities because they only allow basics as the lowest level of provider. The drivers still must have a CPR for Healthcare providers card, a state license (Drivers and EVOC), and the ability to perform first responder types of duties. I miss the old caddies with a 472 V8 + supercharger and Meteors on the roof...NOT!
  24. It does what it is told or it gets the hose.
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