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Everything posted by 8151

  1. has not set their status

  2. has not set their status

  3. has not set their status

  4. I'd like you to qualify that statement. I know of who you are referring and can speak on his behalf.
  5. I'll bet it was CCEMS, Mike G.?
  6. Don't forget the Levophed
  7. What's wrong with B/L 14's? I'd go 12g if I could. B/L14's AC,WITH B/L 16g Ex-J's. 2 running saline wide open and 2 running Ringers.
  8. Maybe the pt. was just some clown looking for attention. Paramedics Rock!
  9. Go be a Firefighter instead, all hero and no one will ever fault you. :roll:
  10. BLS Skill perfect for the EMT's
  11. Ya I know I'm immature,but hey, . It does sound like something neuro. Any CT done? Dilantin levels?
  12. Probably PID. NRB@15Lpm, B/L 14g with saline wide open,transport hot. Consider Narcan. Pt. may also be CVA/TIA.
  13. What's your point? :shock:
  14. I remember one time I woke up and knew we were going to be dispatched to a 10-33,well not only was the 10-33 a real BAD one,we came across a 10-75,with multiple 10-8's. Spooky. :shock:
  15. This topic is Gay.
  16. The bottom line is that FireFighters SAVE lives and property. Period! They go toe toe with the red demon and sometimes they never make it home . I've fought fire and danced with the grim reaper to preserve life and property,unless you are "On the job" I guess you will never feel the love and respect of the Brother Hood! (Don't get me going on female token ff's). Hug a fireman....he'll keep you warm :wink:
  17. Sue for 15 million in lost wages and mental stress.
  18. No they did not.
  19. If it's a fire truck (engine) I block them to make it as difficult as possible.
  20. If it's a fire truck (engine) I block them to make it as difficult as possible.
  21. Nothing like a round from a 12g blast to the back of the head. :shaking2:
  22. You need a penis for a cock ring. :oops:
  23. So how does one cut one off :jerk: :ky:
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