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  1. I can respect your opinion, my point was simply to outline the difference, and that a person who has smoked pot 1 time and a child molester are NOT the same type of people. Furthermore, smoking pot in many countries is NOT a crime punishable by law, Canada (ontario) is 1 such example (depending of the circumstances of course). I find it interesting that you choose to call a person who has experimented with pot 1 time a "DOPER" who cannot be trusted. Your readiness to put labels on people (and I am NOT talking about the molester, an opinion we share) makes me wonder a few things. If I have noticed anything throughout my life, it's that those who judge and label others so quickly are usually those with the most skeletons in their closet. You live in a bubble if you think that many of those immediately around you have never smoked pot or driven drunk - I am not saying it is acceptable, I am just stating a fact. Smoking pot is a personal choice. Driving drunk endagers the lives of others. Someone tries some weed at a concert in the seventies and they are untrustworthy? Comparible to molesters and drunk drivers? If i need to sit here and point out the VERY distinct differences between these kinds of people, I'd be wasting my time. 98% of all EMS workers (Fire, Police, Medics) would never get hired if their lives were scrutinized under a microscope. Including yours. And just for the record, I think molesters should be shot. preferrably by a bunch of stoned hippies.
  2. If you think someone who smoked a joint 10 years ago while at a stones concert (and took a cab home) is comparible to a person who has sex with little boys or endagers the lives of others by getting behind the wheel drunk is the same thing, well, I have no comment - you're entitled to your opinion I guess. :roll: I dont share that opinion, and neither does the Criminal Code of Canada (or the American legal system) But since we are talking about opinions here, I think that is an absolutely absurb comparison.
  3. As for the example about admitting to "smoking marijuana".. Lie. there is NO relevance to that question, and it's none of the employers business. It would be UNETHICAL to NOT hire someone for the reason that someone may have smoked some pot years ago, so lying to a question that is ridiculous to begin with in order to support your family is TOTALLY acceptable in my opinion.
  4. I would have no remorse about taking that money - the fact that it is BLOOD money is of no consequence since I would be using it for good reasons, not to buy more drugs/guns and get them on the street. By taking the money I would not in any way be "adding to the problem", and turning the money over to the authorities would not "eliminate" ANY problems, nor would it prevent more from happening. The reason I would NOT take it is because there is ALWAYS the possibility that you can get caught, and supporting my family is of TOP priority to me (hard to do when you've been fired) - I dont need to sell drugs to do it, and I dont need drug money to to buy my family nice things. My children can look up to me, and most importantly, I can go to sleep with total self- respect. It's kind of like the whole PROSTITUTION think- I have no problem with it, it's just not something I would ever engage in (pay for sex). That being said, I don't look down on those men that choose to do so, I simply make my own choice and refuse to frown upon others for making theirs. However, making money through means that hurt other people (selling guns/hard drugs) is NOT something I condone.
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