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Everything posted by Imagine89
Adenosine will probably correct the problem if it is SVT. I have seen it work multiple times, and that is often the script if this is a recurring problem, however it is a very dangerous drug. You run a huge risk administering this medication. I thought that it should be administered as well, but since I don't know how to read the ECG, I was apparently missing something. "In individuals suspected of suffering from a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), adenosine is used to help identify the rhythm. Certain SVTs can be successfully terminated with adenosine. This includes any re-entrant arrhythmias that require the AV node for the re-entry (e.g., AV reentrant tachycardia (AVRT), AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT). In addition, atrial tachycardia can sometimes be terminated with adenosine. Adenosine has an indirect effect on atrial tissue causing a shortening of the refractory period. When administered via a central lumen catheter, adenosine has been shown to initiate atrial fibrillation because of its effect on atrial tissue. In individuals with accessory pathways, the onset of atrial fibrillation can lead to a life threatening ventricular fibrillation."
Yeah sometimes. If it is SVT, am I correct in assuming that this patient is getting adenosine ASAP? I'm just a lowly highschool basic, so I could be wrong.
My guess is that she is in a state of Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia. The symptoms fit. The age fits. The criteria fits. Has this ever happened before? Are her hands clenched?
Do You Feel You Have the Ability To Adequately Control Pain?
Imagine89 replied to scope2776's topic in Patient Care
Uh yeah, that's because narcotics can be dangerous. Of course you have to be a healthcare professional, it only makes sense. As a basic I know I wouldn't feel comfortable administering MS etc. -
It's the right of people in this country to carry firearms. The vast majority of crimes are committed by those who do not have a legal weapon, but obtained one on the black market, or by some other questionable means. I'm a big believer in the constitution, and I'm sorry if I can't condone the fact that everytime something bad happens we, the law abiding citizens, seem to have to give up another of our diminishing number of rights. (See the patriot act) Whether it is legal or not, psychopaths will always get their hands on guns. You can find a study to prove anything, but the truth is, different societies function differently. Just because Candada has been very successful with anti-gun laws does not mean the US will benefit from the same laws.
Ugh. So much hypersensitivity. How long will it be before humor is completely eliminated from our "free" society?
NONO NONONO NONONON NONONONONO NONONONONONONO NONONONONO NONONONONONO. We, as EMTs, and I am a basic, already do too much based sheerly on protocol, and not enough on education. Performing a complex procedure with only a few hours of education is a fantastic way to ensure more law suits against the companies that allow this. Your NOs were broken up because long strings of words distort screen size. AK
That doesn't disprove anything. They need to be accountable too.
Keep talking, you're contributing a lot. If the way you act online is any representation of your character, I hope I never meet you.
Okay I guess you're right. I wasn't thorough enough. The second thing you quoted me on is based upon genetics/upbringing, etc, because I think childhood obesity is devestating, and unfair, because these people never really get a shot at being healthy.
Most people think the way you do because they're letting emotions get in the way of their logic. Let me break down my points, in list form, because people for some reason think I hate obesity, and I don't, I just don't sympathize with the condition under most circumstances. - I think that people, obese or thin need to take accountability for their physical condition, because it is influenced soley by their choices. - I do not sympathize with the MINORITY of obese people who do nothing but find scape goats for their condition, all the while stuffing their faces - I DO sympathize with the obese population that is obese due to medical conditions, no depression doesn't count. I've been depressed before, it runs in my family. - I do not believe that food is an addiction, or that that is an excuse for the condition - I DO sympathize with the individuals who give weight loss through diet and exercise a shot, and fail, because in that situation, there's not much they can do. Are you really saying that I'm a terrible person and that you hate me for these opinions?
I don't recall ever stating that I hated anyone, and you are losing weight, congratulations. You're trying, I said, and I quote "if they try and fail, more power to them, however this is where normality ends and a medical condition may begin" I'm not at all shallow, I judge people based on character, upon meeting them, however, there is no good excuse for not attempting to lose weight if you're unhappy with the way you look, feel or if you think you're unhealthy. These are all things the individual in question decides on. If the person is one hundred percent content being obese, good for them, but that means that they don't require sympathy. Plus, I never said skinny, I said healthy, there is a such thing as heavy and healthy, which is something entirely different than obesity. I'll tell you why i'm angry with people like you Connie, you read parts of my posts, have an emotional reaction, and ignore anything redeeming i say. But whatever, get as angry as you want, because I DON'T CARE. I am free to state my opinions.
Wow. Someone who reads the things I say, in context. Incredible. Thank you.
If you would please notice that those remarks are made in response to shots at my morality and class. Plus, last time I checked, I had the right to comment on my own personality, after all, I do know myself...But yeah that did a lot to move your point along. And a class in recognition of sarcasm wouldn't kill you.
It's not one person. There is an organization, the NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) , for the morbidly obese that attempts to dispel their accountability for their weight, stating that food is an addiction, and that it is society's problem and not their own. This organization holds the philosophy that it is easier to change society than to change their eating habits. It is ideas like this that make my blood boil. Now I'm not saying whether or not the majority of fat people want to be fat, or not, I'm merely saying that if they are, and they're lazy about it, it's their fault, and no one else's. I don't understand how any of you can deny that. Sure, depression can lead to weight gain due to comfort eating, however there are also better ways to deal with problems like this. I respect many of the obese people I know because they do NOT blame their condition on society, addiction, or any of that other bull shit. I do not have sympathy for their obesity, because even THEY admit that they brought it on with poor habits. In general, you all seem to think that no one should be accountable for their choices. Stop analyzing MY personal character, and start analyzing the issue at hand. Taking personal shots at me does not move your argument along one iota, because honestly, I'm unaffected by peoples opinions of me.
I'm not perfect, but I don't blame my pitfalls on science, medicine, or emotional problems. No i've never had a weight problem because i eat right and exercise. Oops, i guess that makes me a bad person. If diet and exercise aren't enough for these people, and they give it an honest shot, then they have my sympathy, otherwise, they have about as much as the alcoholics in my family. I'm not picking on anyone per se, I'm saying that people need to be accountable for their health, and their decisions, and I'm saying that I don't have sympathy for those who are not. End of.
I treat these people with the same respect as I would others, I respect the fact that they're still human, I do not respect the excuses they present society with. I empathize with them if they are having a medical emergency, however I have no sympathy for their obesity.
Oh poor you. Poor everyone. People can't be accountable for anything these days, because every down fall of human beings is a condition or disorder that should make society weep. And yeah, I'm bitter. It's my own fault, I'm not blaming it on anyone or anything, I could be more compassionate, but I CHOOSE not to be. In my opinion sugar coating everything is just as bad as ignoring the problem to begin with. Everything's a choice. In your previous, disjointed, post you compared eating to smoking. WRONG. Smoking involves nicotine addiction, which is a chemical condition, unlike so-called "food addiction". Even so, I hold these people accountable for their habit, because they chose to buy the god damn pack of butts in the first place. And yeah, with will power they can quit. As for my post being "uncomprehensible" and "making me look stupid" did you even read what you wrote? I have a three year old cousin capable of better syntax than that. If you're going to argue with me, do it like an adult. I'm not bashing anyone, I'm jus t stating my opinion. Keep letting people make excuses, I'm sure you'll LOVE the kind of society you live in.
Alright. First of all, I stated that if a medical condition existed, they had my sympathy; this would also include anorexia and other eating disorders. If you're going to disect parts of my post, do yourself the favor of reading the entire thing before you miss a detail that makes your entire argument moot. Healthy, thin people have emotional problems too. Does that mean we just empathize with them if they eat themselves into oblivion as a result? Emotional instability doesn't mean they should throw their health away, and if they do, it's their choice. There are better ways of dealing with emotional stress than comfort foods. Unless they have a pre-existing medical condition that predisposes them to obesity, then yes, if they're obese, I can infer that they are too lazy to do anything about it. If they try, and fail, more power to them, but that's where normality ends, and a medical condition may begin. Don't imply that I've been brainwashed, because I know full well that not everyone can be britney spears, and I woudl also like to state for the record, since you called me on it, that most of the celebrities displayed in our media are underweight, and unhealthy in another sense entirely. As far as my free will comment goes, and I'm going to say this multiple times, and perhaps use caps to emphasize my point, IF A PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL PROBLEM DOES NOT EXIST, people have the option to eat healthy and exercise daily, fi they choose to go to mcdonalds instead, that's their problem, but so is their weight. And yeah, I judge people. I guess I'm heartless. Get over it, because you just judged me. Maybe I'm not morbidly obese, but I have feelings too damn it! "Be a human being"?! You make me laugh. :roll:
is paramedic really save our live? or harm?
Imagine89 replied to bradlai's topic in General EMS Discussion
Everyone who replied, replied appropriately, so I'll be the one to break it to you: Go back to school and learn some grammar, and stop with the internet abbrieviations...they make you look unprofessional, and I sure as hell wasn't going to take this post seriously as it was written. Welcome though. -
I have very little sympathy for many of them. THere is very little that differentiates them from the rest of the population, the fact that they don't want to do anything about their weight is one thing, but it's not going to get them much empathy. I don't see food as an addiction. i'm sorry. You'll never ever sell me on that. The one time I feel bad for these people is when a medical condition leads to their weight. That's it. Otherwise it involves a series of choices that the people themselves make. When you take away our free will as humans, we become nothing more than the animals we feel superior to.
Was I supposed to laugh? Why is in funny stuff?
J.P. was killed by Masonic cardinals and/or to cover up a gigantic Vatican banking scandal.