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Everything posted by zippyRN

  1. UK situation is interesting and probably the one most pertinent to the debate until a few years a go paramedics i n the UK were 'certified' in that the only way to be a paramedic officially was to be employed by an NHS Ambulance service and follow their training programme. Then we had 'proper' Registration for paramedics ( with the Health Professions Council) and a good number of people were able to be grandfathered into Registration through non NHS routes. We are now facing a situation where the NHS in house route will no longer be acceptable for New registrants with the move to Foundation Degree / DipHE ( basically 2/3rds of a Honours degree) entry. Ambulance technicians have remained unregistered and controlled by employers .... A move to Higher Education preparation for practice doesn't necessary bode poorly for EMS - what bodes poorly for EMS in the rural USA is the fact that the US population is so greedy and so unwilling to accept the need for anything other than the most basic of healthcare be provided by the government .
  2. guedal everytime - most places in the Uk only use guedal for OP - bermans don't look as easy to suction through or even 'flick clear' ( extract, sharp shake to clear and re insert - somewhat dodgy from a flinging body fluids about POV)
  3. i'm with aaron and rocket on this zippy RN, ALS Provider , TNCC provider and first aid / Ambulance assessor
  4. frac straps above, below , figure 8 round the ankles pad with pillows and blankets?
  5. i guess the reference shot over your head , in UK medical folklore at least the prime requisites for Ortho surgeons used to be a positive gorilla ratio ( arm span wider than height ) and built like a rugby player if not one!
  6. well orthopaedic surgeons manage on a reasonably regular basis
  7. what about those of us who don't fit the above ? me - I'm an ED RN but I'm also an Emergency Ambulance attendant with SJA ( bit more than a EMT- B when it stands alone), but fortunately the UK situation is such that applicable RN skills can be used pre -hospitally without paramedic registration.
  8. you don't need '25 lb pressure' with pads paddles are a flat unyielding surface the pressure requirement is to get a good 'seal' as such - decent contact area and keep the jelly pads nicely pressed on stick on pads if the skin is prepped appropriately work just fine as long as there aren't huge air bubbles under them
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