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Everything posted by spec_rogers2002

  1. Now thats funny!
  2. Ok, So I googled " Nice way to kill a chicken". I'm not finding anything helpful!
  3. quote- I had to do a lot of youth leadership courses and even a 3 day boot camp Was fun though. I don't know what to say.
  4. Man thats wrong, I feel like crap for laughing my arse off.
  5. Ok, So I tried Chaw, and loved it, but I still smoke. Am I screwed?
  6. Thats funny. I actually laughed out loud!
  7. I agree with Windsong. This is hard to believe. When I was in Iraq, I never seen any girls outside the Home Depot.
  8. Sounds serious! If you need someone to talk too, just give me a buzz. If nothing else, you can tell me about it.
  9. I had a guy in my unit that took the same Combat lifesaver course that I took, and thought the same way! He tried to get moved to a medical unit full of medics, since he was now trained for when the stuff hit the fan. A Combat lifesaver ,for those who don't know , is a first responder that can start a line and give first aid. Thats it! Granted that a combat medic is trained as an Emt with very little education himself. This guy tried everything he could to get moved, to a flight slot. You have to give him an A for effort, but all he got was several stupid looks. Dust, Maybe you should add Combat Lifesaver to your collection of certs! It would fit nice between tactical and underwater!
  10. Nice! Thats funny!
  11. Wow, You can't make this stuff up! I have always used the scare tactic. Maybe it's not that effective, but I am sure if you tell a patient your about to try this new treatment involving a probe, well that may work as a scare tactic by itself! I am sure it felt good for the doctor to explain what he did after it worked. How would you explain your 'treatment' if it didn't work? Just a thought! Also I would never use the 'Scare Tactic' in a professional enviroment. Thought I would add that before I get probed on here. -Chris
  12. Thanks alot Dust!
  13. You know I guess I'm being lazy asking this question when I could just go ask myself! Thanks for your input though. I just haven't had a chance to go to my local ff station.I know the ambulance company I did my ride along with will allow anyone that has completed an EMT class to go on a ride along. They are mostly a transfer company that works with the fire/medics so to go with them again would put me in the same situation!Medics do all the work ,then bls truck shows up and transfers! I want to ride with the medics .I will go check out the local fire department around he house and see what they say!Thanks to all!
  14. Man I wish my ride along was that exciting. Just to ride with medics wold have been better than parked in a parking lot talking about patient care. I was with 2 EMT's so we didn't get the GOOD calls .The calls we did get was either IFT's or medical emergency's ,but when we got there ,medics already had them ready to go! I did get to practice my skills and learn some new things , I think that was the most important part anyway. Everyone good at their skills had to be green once right! Over all it was a good experience. question: Can a I go to a fire station and ask to do a ride along with the medics.I know there is more than just asking but it seems kinda crazy for them just to let me go with them. Maybe I'm looking at it all wrong. The only EMS place I have been too or talked to has been a EMT transport company. Thanks for you responses!
  15. Good luck on getting calls. It seems the ambulance with the ride-along usually gets no calls for some reasons(curse of the ride-along)Just kidding ,I'm sure you will get plenty,Good luck!
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