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    Tampa, FL.
  • Interests
    Being wackerish...

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  1. I graduated FMTI's EMT-B program a few weeks ago, I had no problem with the course, the instructors, or any of the teaching. It prepared me well for the NREMT test and the cost was bearable for the class. I wouldn't say anything bad about it. Joe
  2. That made me laugh, thanks.
  3. 23% wacker
  4. I finally just started my EMT-B course at FMTI (Florida Medical Training Institute) Tampa campus. We use the AAOS ninth edition for texts and My class is one day a week (9-5) for about 4 months. It would seem from my first day of class that this course should be pretty thorough, they don't teach to the test which IMO is a benefit. Anybody ever take one of the courses here or have an opinion? Thanks in advance, Joe
  5. I'm new, never seen this before... It made me spit out my Mountain Dew. Funny stuff!
  6. x2
  7. The whelen TIR-3 is also a very good led light for the money. They are small and can be hidden most anywhere, they are also clear until activated. The great thing about them is they are self-contained and include everything needed to operate including a wire to sync with other TIR-3s that are installed. hope this helps, Joe
  8. I saw that a few years ago, nice use of my tax dollars.... anyway sux to be them.
  9. Beautiful story! Thanks.
  10. my score was 22 but i accidentally brushed the touchpad on my laptop and it selected an answer,either it gave me undue credit or a falsely low score. Oh well. Joe
  11. I will stop and offer assistance if there is no emergengy workers on scene or if it is MCI and only 1 unit, other than that I keep driving. About professionalism, I haven't much to say, some scenes I was treated like"Ricky Rescue" and others I was a valued pair of hands. But someone once told me "Be careful about the toes you step on today, they may be connected to the ass you have to kiss tommorrow." my $0.02, Joe
  12. Joe = Pub landlord Looks like I should withdraw from my EMT classes....
  13. I'm not sure if I introduced myself earlier... so here goes. I'm 32 years old, I live in Tampa, FL., I spent 8 years in the USCG. I went to USF to get my BSME but decided that was not what I wanted to do. I volunteer with CERT, was given MFR training from Tampa Fire Rescue and I am part of a NASAR team here in Florida. I am a 4x4 freak (I drive a 5" lifted Jeep Cherokee on 33s.) I am working on my amateur radio license in my spare time and attend ICS courses at the CG Aux. when available. I hope to be able to go to HCC soon to do my EMT-B and then continue to Paramedic there. I read almost everything here to try to learn something from it. I have found this site to be an amazing resource and am honored to be here. Thanks for allowing me to lurk. Joe
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