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Everything posted by emt_hound

  1. I'd find out what I could do about filing complaints with the NYS OEMS, the NREMT, and your school. It may not help you, but it will help others. It sounds like you both got screwed. You may not have any other option except to find and take a EMT-B course again. At least you'll both be older and wiser for it. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.
  2. Thank you, Lexx.
  3. When you code 3 to a single car MVA...for 18 miles up a dirt road...and the dirt road is called the turnpike....and the MVA was minivan v. Moose...and your partner gets the game warden to give him the carcass! This happened with one of our sister-service's crews.
  4. Man...this is really a subjective question... His breath doesn't smell but his sweat does? He's tired...but alert and oriented w/ no obvious physical deficit? Hmmm. I dunno. If I was concerned his condition would effect patient care, I'd have to do something. If I wasn't, I wouldn't.
  5. Isn't the course listed on your high school transcript since you took it for credit? Not much, but its a start...
  6. Alright, first: I'm diggin' the Muscovite! Howdy, partner. Your English is better than my Russian. Second, my 24 yesterday was a perfect example of SBQ...It's 3pm. It's been dead all shift. My partner and I are outside smoking a butt. A third-rider...who knows better says to us, "It sure has been the opposite of busy today..." SHUT UP! Sure enough, 20 minutes later we get a wicked SoB call. Finished the call around 4:30. The two duty crews are talkin' about dinner. We got a guy on our shift who used to be a chef. He comes in handy, let me tell you. Anyway, he decides to make barbequed steak and chicken, fresh rice w/ wild mushrooms, corn on the cob, etc. We all pitch in and get everything ready. By 6:30 the grill is shut down, the food is on the table, and we're all sitting down, chatting and joking, to this amazing dinner...when the tone goes off. And the tone goes off... And the tone goes off... We got back to quarters at 3:42 am. If I wasn't a believer before...I am now! :shock:
  7. Running, weightlifting, boxing...feed the competitive urges. I flipped my car on a snowy highway a year and a half ago...broke ribs, tore my pec, etc. Gained a lot of weight in the recovery time. Looked at myself on day last April and saw that I was carrying 225lbs on a 5'6" frame. I began running. I began smoking again (unrelated to my physical fitness goals, it just coincided). I got back into the gym. Started signing up for 5k, 10k, half-marathons, and marathons...anything to keep me running. Stopped paying attention to what I was eating...tried to keep busy. I've dropped 60lbs...back to my high school weight. Blood Pressure is back to normal. Pulse is a nice resting 55. I'm feeling so much better. Now if I could just quit smoking again! Got a marathon on June 12th. I'm going to try and sprinkle some 10k's throughout the summer...
  8. Of course, I'm going the completely opposite direction... After shaving my head for years, I'm now growing it all the way out. I keep it under my cap and I trim the sides and back normal. Eventually, I'll ponytail it. And then eventually I'll get sick of that and I'll start shaving it all over again. Such is the circle of life...
  9. You could wear a cap if its in your regs...or tatoo a smiley face on your forehead.... No seriously, I understand the looks b/c I shaved my head for several years. I found the antidote was to keep a gigantic smile on my face when I made initial pt contact. Smile a lot, smile often, and crack stupid jokes.
  10. Very interesting, but I don't like some of the assumptions raised in the article about what happened in these cases versus what could have happened. I hate the presumption of negligence, but it sounds like the issue here is remedial training on stroke diagnosis and treatment for ER staff, not on revamping the transport protocols for EMS.
  11. I could of sworn I read Hindu...but then again, I don't really care so I could be wrong. Of course, it's a simple symbol...I'm sure it was independently discovered by multiple cultures.
  12. One squad I volunteer with doesn't charge a thing...and as a result their equipment is crap, their training is crap, and they tend to screw up 1/2 their calls in some sort of substantial way. The other squad I work with is a non-profit ALS agency. I think BLS is around $400 plus equipment used. ALS is around $550 plus equipment used. Transfers are a base charge plus milage and Equipment used. Top dollar goes to CCTs. Of course, most of the population around here is Medicare/Medicaid so what we charge bears little to no resemblence to what we receive.
  13. Actually the buddhist swastika was a symbol of luck. It's arms rotate the opposite direction as the Nazi symbol and it sits straight instead of at a 45 degree cant. In any case, I agree with you that whether we like it or not, symbols tend to adopt the meaning that the general public believes (misconception or not). The swastika is forever going to be associated with the Nazis. The confederate battle flag is associated (maybe, hopefully, not forever) with redneck racists and old pick up trucks. Sad but true.
  14. Where are you from again?
  15. 99 Chevy Blazer 4x4. And yes, I do have to drive over all-terrain mountains on occasion. If I didn't need the 4wd, I'd probably buy a
  16. The moon is pulling on my lithium? Ouch! :shock:
  17. How would you ever know you only have time to save only one set of people? I think I would go w/ the five and hope I had time to go back. Utilitarianism...man, it's a trip.
  18. I'm tending to agree with USAFmedic. I'm more concerned with the motivation of the person displaying the flag. Southern pride? Subtle dig at the culture of affirmative action? Shock value? etc, etc. Most people I know that display it, display it for the schock value and because they love to argue that people are trampling their god-given rights... I find the flag an interesting testament to history. I find most of the people I know that display one to be offensive. Just an odd juxtaposition.
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