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    Newfoundland, Canada

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  1. Hi all. I'm doing a little research on the effects of High winds on ambulances and I was wondering if anybody knew of any policies/procedures regarding maximum wind speeds that a non-emergency ambulance should be allowed to drive in. I'm looking at routine transfers on open highways with a speed limit of 100 km/hr specifically as I realize that operating in town is a different story. The reason why I ask, is we travel through an area that is known for wind gusts of 110 - 180 km/hr on occasion. Thanks in advance for your input.
  2. Hi Suburban and welcome to the forums. What part of the rock are you working in?
  3. Does this mean we'll have a college the same as physicians?
  4. New provincial Medical oversight and Lifepak 12s for us.
  5. Same here in Newfoundland. In fact the services that provide routine transports (Patient Transfers) also provide emergency service so the same ambulances are used for both purposes and required to be fully stocked and staffed at all times. If the patient is truly critical then we get an RN or an MD on board from the sending hospital as well.
  6. My question is, was this your scheduled shift off? If it was then you can't truly blame yourself, we can't be everywhere all the time. As care providers we do need "me" time occasionally. I tried that life once where you show up to everything whether on shift or not and it can have a negative effect on you and your family in time. I also agree with the above posters in that it may be time to seek professional help dealing with this, both for your sake and that of your family's. Since I don't know all the details I won't claim to know what you are feeling but I will say stay strong and good luck with this.
  7. New episodes, perhaps with some of the old crew reprising roles.
  8. rdelisle

    Web Petition

    Hi all. So, I've been reading on this and different sites a number of posts on NBC's "Trauma" and I've seen it compared to "Emergency" on a number of occasions. What I am proposing is that we start a web petition to bring back "Emergency". I figure if enough people sign on that perhaps the networks will clue in that the drivel they have presented so far will not suffice. If any one else agrees or is willing to attempt this PM me and we'll get the ball rolling. By the way yes I did watch the premier of "Trauma" and now my wife won't let me watch it again with her in the room because I was grousing and complaining so much, lol.
  9. Hi all, been a away for a bit, I was in the middle of a move to a new town. We have peer review in some places in Newfoundland and most work quite well they are handled in a non-judgmental fashion and can in fact turn into a little friendly competition. Some of the medics who review each other try to work to see who is the "better" medic which in turn improves the skills of both. I have yet to see any negative outcomes from peer review but I believe that depends on the delivery of the review results, if done in a harsh or demeaning fashion then yes it may cause hard feelings or a sense of rebuke. Like any thing else if handled correctly and professionally it can be a positive learning aid.
  10. On Call stillllll

  11. On Call stillllll

  12. On Call stillllll

  13. "Get Over it" - The Eagles The signifigant other wants the House?
  14. I may be wrong but, I always thought if they have over all discomfort, low grade fever and a sore "neck" to think meningitis. Strep is usually just a low grade fever and sore throat or discomfort on swallowing.
  15. Just plain freaky, and my bosses wonder why I want to do CBRN responder training. Makes you wonder just how safe it is to be the first one on scene. I forwarded this to my bosses so they can get an idea of what we might encounter on a given call in general.
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