Hi Everyone,
Sorry my first post here at EMT City is a question, but I'm really troubled about a couple of things and would like to know the group's thoughts.
I'm currently about halfway through my basic course, which I'm taking at a local ambulance company. When I enrolled, I only intended to get the basic and use it to help injured people I run across often in my job. Then as I got further into the course, I began to consider training to the Paramedic level and maybe changing careers.
Here's where it starts to get a little odd. It seems like most people I've ran across at this ambulance company are unhappy for one reason or another. Many I've talked to want to get out the profession altogether. I hear stuff like, "this is all BS"....etc. Needless to say, I'm not too sure I want to jump on the happy boat with this bunch! In all seriousness, these are not bad folks, they just seem to be miserable and unhappy much of the time. My question here is...well, is this kind of how it is everywhere? Is morale in the EMS community generally this low? If so, why? I do understand the stress and all, but it just seems like there's more to it than that.
My other concern is that once I finish the basic, I'm told I'd have to wait 3 to 5 years to get into a Paramedic program. Is this par for the course, or are there places where it's possible to get into EMT-P faster? I can't see sitting idle for that long. If I'm going to change careers, then I need to do it sooner rather than later.
Any thoughts on this would be very much appreciated. Thank you!