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Everything posted by Doug

  1. I am actually familiar with the building that this happened with. While some of you may be saying "Oh, well, it's just a bunch of lazy union pukes," I'd like you to keep in mind that these same rooms are used for negotiating NH, SNF, Hosp., ADA and Medicaid reimbursements.... This is exactly the kind of dirty tricks I'd expect from Dave Banelli and his thugs. While generally I would agree that one cannot expect complete privacy normally in corporate offices, I believe you need to be notified that video surveillance is being used, and before any contract talks with AMR both sides sign a confidentiality agreement that says that during negotiations the right to privacy will be honored, in fact the one we signed specifically said the use of video/audio recordings were off limits.
  2. I have seen a person like this before, reaction to anti biotics. In the case I saw the person had a smell not entirely unlike a burn pt. and in fact he was being transfered to a regional burn center. Interested in what kind of facility your pt. was being transfered to. Is this topic open to presenting our own interesting cases? Because I've got one but don't want to hijack somebody elses thread.
  3. **sigh** I promised myself I would stop posting in this forum. Does this mean the FD is going to stop dispatching an engine to "smoke from cooking" or police to "verbal domestics?" After all these types of calls have usually resolved themselves before the arrival of personnel, and don't you want them to be kept in service for more "serious emergencies?"
  4. Not enough qualified instructors to teach at the Bachelors level Vent? So? Didn't stop nursing from requireing higher certification to teach...hence the often 2-3 year waiting list to get into an RN program.
  5. Ok for the sake of arguement, let's say I agree that we need a degree. What level? An associates degree? Considering that our scope of practice often exceeds that of an RN in the pre-hospital setting it hardly seems enough, plus in many countries an associates degree is called an "Advanced Diploma" (hence my grade 13-14 comments earlier) hardly professional sounding.
  6. Where are you folks getting your Physical Therapy from that it requires an MD or Ph.d? Certainly not in Massachusetts. While you seem to be arguing that Training does not equal Education, I am arguing that a Degree does not equal Competence. My point in all this is that merely attending a degree program does not nessesaraly make a better medic. My program was 2000 hours minimum (granted 200 hours of which was mandatory ride time, so you may be allowed to state it was 1800 hours, my apologies it was not intended to mislead.) At the end of my program I was contacted by the deans office and told that due to my Bachelors degree I qualified to transfer credits and get my degree in Applied Health, wait for it...for an additional fee of course. My point is what is the worth of that degree? To me, nothing. I again say that I don't DISAGREE that we need more education, but to simply say "We need a degree" is simplistic. What we need is a reworking of the higher education system and for students to stand up and demand that the courses they take are relevant. As it is undergraduate progams in most colleges are nothing more than grades 13-16.
  7. Ventmedic "You can just tell" is not proof. Sorry, I may even agree with you, but it's not proof. And my medic class was 2000 hours.
  8. Can anyone here show, with documented proof not just imperical knowledge, that getting a degree results in better EMS providers? It seems every other arguement on this site eventually boils down to "Don't just say it, prove it." except this one. I'm not saying that it does or doesn't help. I just request proof. In my opinion makeing a degree worthwhile would require a major reworking of the education system first, targeted and applicable courses as opposed to the bizarre core requirements some colleges impose.
  9. VentMedic, When i was getting my degree I had the pleasure of taking 3 Psych courses, none of which covered meds or clinical treatment. The first courses that delved into that level were 300 level courses, usually reserved for those majoring in Psychology which is much more in depth than a paramedic needs, which is why I suggest a COURSE not a class in psych emergencies etc. I live in a state that is trying to degree everything from plumbing to vet assistant (ironically not PD or FD, that you can do on your own, if you want, though from what i understand it actually works against you. Ususally in the form of "Well, Officer Smith, since you have a degree you should have known better than...")
  10. What exactly are you talking about?
  11. I have to say, as someone who got their 4 year degree in an unrelated field before becoming a Paramedic, a lot of college courses are timewasters. Sorry it's the truth. Don't get me wrong, continued education is important, and should be incouraged, but it should be in a related field. Instead of Psych 101 classes have a course on psych emergencies and how diffuse situations. Instead of English Lit. how about a simple course in journal or observational writing. Instead of a Phys. Ed. requirement (believe it or not bowling in my case) how about core strength and confined space rescue. Instead of Art History or some other humanities course a course in cultural awareness including religion (I know this one will get peoples hackles up, but trust me I responded to a Diff Breather once with a knucklehead partner who failed to see the signs of a Jewish mourning and thought it was a party and actually asked where the birthday boy was...in case you didn't know covered mirrors is a big sign.) So before I sign on to any call for a degreed program I would like to see the requirements would be.
  12. And yet it's legal. According to what I've read and heard only 1/10th of 1% actually has to make it to the target recipient, and up to 97% can go to "Administrative Costs." Many of those fly by night organizations that popped up after 9/11 and Katrina were technically legal. The really messed up part is that that 1/10th of 1% can actually go to ANOTHER charity. So you can raise $100,000 and donate $100 to Red Cross and it would be legal.
  13. I saw a commercial for the show "Moment of Truth." Apparently the next show features an EMT who is shown on the commercial being asked "Have you ever touched a female pt. more than you had to?" and "Have you ever falsified a report?" With the end promiseing something to the effect of "The answer he gives may end his career." OUT F'ING STANDING A'HOLE!!! Thanks for making us all look like the scumbag you apparently are. I think this guy ought to be fired just for the poor judgement he showed in going on the show!!
  14. Jsadin, here in Western Mass. they have told us that our protocols are now "guidelines" Come to Region 1 my friend!!LOL
  15. I just wanted to commend the comment made above "Cops call cops for backup, Fire calls fire...etc" Excellent point. If I may, I got into a discussion with a FF here locally about why fire responds to EMS. His point was that while our service has 1 (and a half) stations they have 6 and can be onscene quicker. I thought about this for a second and said "So, you would support my efforts to make the PD EMT's and or Medics, I mean when a call comes in there is a delay as it gets dispatched and then there is your out of the door time etc. They are already on the street and can being given the address over the radio. Just think, people actually pull over for PD, the crusiers go faster and use less fuel, and if they crash there would be much less damage." I left out the fact that PD actually has a fitness requirement. Funny how this idea didn't take off.
  16. http://nemsms.org/silence.htm This Sat at 20:00 (8pm) there will be a moment of radio silence for those in EMS who have gone before. I find it kind of sad that many in EMS don't even know about this annual event so please pass the word. The link provides information on what and when and will also provide a "suggested script" for observation. While some other, more public methods were suggested, it is not the intention of this project to get the general public involved, that we leave to individual local agencies. Our mission is to provide a method of participation for the members of our profession. If you find this post drifting please try and bump it to the top again so it gets as much exposure as possible. Please Don't let this event go by unnoticed.
  17. I work nights, you want to know how I celebrate EMS week? I usually spend it cleaning up after the day crews after management has dropped off pizza or meat platter for lunch. Really not into eating a samich of 10 hour room temp meats and cheeses..lol. Honestly, until I saw this thread I had forgotten all about it. In fact most years it's the disarray of the crews quarters that tips me off that it even happened.
  18. You're right gailic...GOOD JOB...Mom.
  19. ...more of the same.
  20. Were these from a drill you were participateing in? In an MCI some of the rules change for the greater benefit. C-spining everyone would be waste of time and resources. Though I do agree about using the door, open it and let the walking wounded (GREENS automatically under our triage system) out and out of the way.
  21. The program must be good there because "...the kids there all respect the college Dean."
  22. Did they get rid of their "50% poynesian/Haweiian" requirement? Last I knew that was still in place for any public service job with private contracting...Many years ago AMR had a "exchange medic" program and you could put your name on a wish list to go places to work for a limited time..HI was only available to those that could show some relation to the island ethnic group..
  23. Dust please insure that when you attempt to quote somebody that you are giving credit to the right person. Please EDIT your post . The second quote is attributed to me (you must be a desk jockey) if you notice I never said that. Please read posts more carefully in the future.
  24. Oh as for the plan. Don't forget each employee would be paying 10% of the "premium" to the company that provides the plan, in this case AMR, as they are "self-insureing. They also get to decide the VALUE of this plan. So if they decide that the value is $1000/month that's $100 per employee at 18,000 employees thats over $21 MILLION a year INCOME that the company makes off of it's employees. With part of that money they go out and purchase something catastrophic coverage insurance (as a note this is not speculation this was told to us by corporate rep who actually thought this was a good idea) in case someones medical costs went above $10,000. Then that money would no longer come out of the pool but from a third insurer.
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