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Everything posted by EMTErica

  1. After nearly losing a Nextel last night, I finally gave in and bought a duty belt - another circus! I finally found an XS Bianchi for a 24-28" waist at Amazon of all places.
  2. How did it go? The Gerber I got was gorgeous, but HUGE. It's as big or maybe bigger as the mediums that one of my units lends us. Anyone need a nice EMS coat?
  3. Actually, he recommended Gerber products, which I somehow overlooked in my previous sweep. They look okay (they go a little overboard on the reflective striping, but at least I won't get runover in my totally hot navy-on-navy outfit) come in XS AND are even designed for EMS use. I'm going to try ordering one (since it's getting pretty dire up here), and I'll report back.
  4. They won't ship it to the US because it's not made in Canada. Back to the drawing board
  5. Found their website: http://www.rnicholls.com/
  6. Do you know what brand they were?
  7. I can't argue with that. Here's something else I found, Boys' old Navy "dark sea blue" snowboarder jacket: http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do?c...;scid=425030002 Removable hood, lots of pockets, no zip access to your belt or microphone clips, but at $40 it's hard to beat.
  8. I thought you were only a "wanker" if you carried it around your neck off duty - at least that's what I read on the wanker thread. Personally, I can't stand it around my neck - it smacks me in the face, it smacks my patients in the face and it falls off. I leave it in a cargo pocket with the ear pieces sticking out (otherwise they fall off when I pull it out). I'm always impressed with everyone else's mastery of the technique, however.
  9. Required: BP Cuff (L. cargo - this thing drives me crazy, it rubs my leg raw, but they tell me to have it with me, so there it is), stethoscope (R. cargo), O2 Key (R. shears pocket), black pen (shirt), penlight/flashlight (LED, works as both), trauma shears (R. shears pocket), at least 2 pairs of gloves (R. front pocket), ambulance keys (hooked to D-clip on my belt, otherwise they fall out everywhere), portable radio (anywhere it fits, which is usually nowhere, maybe someday I'll get a belt clip) Not required: Area map (R. rear pocket), quick reference guide (R. rear pocket) which I've never used), wallet (L. front cargo) and house keys (clipped with the ambulance keys). Once in a while I actually remember to grab my cell phone. I always use my left front pocket as my portable garbage bin. I just clear it out whenever I'm near a non-portable. Not very exciting...
  10. I live right around the corner from this photo, so I'll tell you: Like sardines. I can't wait to get out of NYC.
  11. I feel your pain. I weight 108 lbs (and I'm full grown and in my 30s), and I live in NYC (*&$*&@&$# cold in the winter). My unit only sells men's mediums and larges, and supplies men's mediums to borrow - I can't really figure this out as there are at least 10 women around my size in it. I frigging hate being small sometimes - even the big running organization up here supplies XXL race shirts, but not XS. Explain that to me. Enough ranting. Here's the results of my research: 1. There are three coats that come in XS on galls: 5.11 Fleece Patrol jacket: http://www.galls.com/style.html?assort=gen...06&cat=3158 5.11 Big Horn Jacket: http://www.galls.com/style.html?assort=gen...07&cat=3158 Feichheimer Ultra Duty Jacket: http://www.galls.com/style.html?assort=gen...39&cat=3158 2. Duty Gear also carries a few: Horace Small: Unisex Sentry Windbreaker with Liner: http://www.dutygearuniforms.com/acatalog/h...indbreaker.html Horace Small: Unisex New Generation® 2 Jacket with Liner: http://www.dutygearuniforms.com/acatalog/h...eneration2.html Horace Small: Unisex Weather4® Jacket with Primaloft Liner: http://www.dutygearuniforms.com/acatalog/h...ather4coat.html 3. Lifeline EMS Jacket: http://www.globefiresuits.com/lifeline/pro.../ems-jacket.asp (this one is a little flashy for me) 4. From the fire store: 5.11 3-in-1 Jacket, Dark Navy http://www.thefirestore.com/store/product....cket_dark_navy/ (My favorite so far AND it includes measurements) 5. Spiewak sells short smalls, which might be pretty close: http://www.siegelsuniforms.com/pages/detai...12&prevcat= 6. Blauer also claims to carry some of their jackets in XS short. Unfortunately "unisex" (men's) XS correlates to a women's 6-8 according to their sizing. I'm still looking for a women's XS, which I can pretty pretty sure will fit. There's a huge niche in this industry for a company willing to specialize in smaller and women's uniforms.
  12. bbrooks - I have a slightly smaller build than yours and even though I'm strong for my size, the lifting can be pretty challenging. While it's generally doable, it's usually been my experience that there are enough hands to help. Mostly I just try to be really consistent with upper body work at the gym. I had a herniated disc coming into this, so I do pilates (yuck) once a week. A little core work makes a huge difference in helping to support the lower back. Erica
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