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Everything posted by Bags

  1. Bags

    3 Word Story

    When they come
  2. Bags

    3 Word Story

    that enabled them
  3. Bags

    3 Word Story

    gained some amazing
  4. Bags

    3 Word Story

    ...ers and cheese.
  5. Bags

    3 Word Story

    Noooooooooooooooo! Anywhere but
  6. Bags

    3 Word Story

    make eye contact
  7. Bags

    3 Word Story

    knew some people
  8. Bags

    3 Word Story

    beer garden at
  9. Bags

    3 Word Story

    s#*t. Spongebob knew
  10. Bags

    3 Word Story

    or you'll be
  11. Bags

    3 Word Story

    Sshhhhhh! Never speak
  12. Bags

    3 Word Story

    until George Dubya
  13. Very interesting. As the saying goes, 'Treat the patient, not the monitor!'.
  14. Bags

    3 Word Story

    noone has ever
  15. Bags

    3 Word Story

    Also, he made
  16. Hi, I started my paramedic degree in Feb. It's a full time, three year course. Although I came into it as EMT B equivalent, EMT-B is not a pre requesite. We've already had 120hrs on the road and in ER. I'm lovin' it. It's great to read about EMS on the other side of world. Good luck all with your studies. Bags
  17. Wow, some interesting reading. You guys certainly put in the hours. In NZ the standard shift pattern is; 2 days 0800 - 1800, 2 nights 1800 - 0800, 4 days off. Some in small rural volunteer areas may do 24's from home.
  18. Magnus Allan.
  19. Bags

    3 Word Story

    and speech writer
  20. Hear me roar, for I am 'The Scatmaster'. :shock:
  21. Bags

    3 Word Story

    , as his chief
  22. Bags

    3 Word Story

    He worked for
  23. Bags

    3 Word Story

    is not my
  24. Bags

    3 Word Story

    stormed a very
  25. Bags

    3 Word Story

    and flaming brandy.
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