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Everything posted by pat

  1. hey, thanks for all the replies, and my apologies for the attitude heh. As for following the rules, I definitly didn't think to check FAQ or the Search engine, but i appreciate all of your responses I got. Just filling in some gaps and questions I have about my future, branching off thinking of every possible thing. I mentioned in my other topic im just young and curious and wanted a few questions answered. Pleased to say im satisfied now, thanks for the info. -pat
  2. holy crap, I responded to someones negative attitude towards me. sure I added a little bonus insult but hey he agitated me. Whats with the hating of cats anyway? heh More importantly thanks for the info dustdevil, BEorP pretty much layed it out nicely for me. So what your saying is despite a little paperwork etc canadian medics can move to the US and be certified medics?
  3. hmm let me get this straight... 32 years old, employed as a paramedic and apparently a father. yet your picture representing yourself appears to be a cat shooting a machine gun......intelligent. and you help people? hm for what its worth thanks for the link.
  4. hey, thanks for reply, and i'm aware of the upsides to working here in Ontario. Im mostly just curious and wanted to know how working medics in the US differ. Furthermore I was planning to relocate because of other reasons, however I was wondering if the move would have a negative/possitive impact on my career. I'm stil eager to start my program and working here in ontario, maybe ill run into yah...give me a couple years though heh. thanks again for the reply. -pat
  5. Hey, yet another question: Is primary/advanced/critical or any medic/emt education from Canada useless if the individual relocates to the US? or must the individual start all over and complete EMT training than Medic training? -appreciated
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