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About gods_medic

  • Birthday 04/25/1963

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    EMT-Basic in South Texas 911

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  1. Hey Stacy , HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! ! ! Enjoy your wonderful day. Your brother in EMS, gods_medic 8)
  2. 8) The county where I volunteer at covers about 8 to 9 small towns with only 2 paid crews from 6am till 6pm. From 6pm till 6am is strictly volunteer status. There are EMS stations in 6 out of the 9 towns. The volunteers that live in the towns they run in must have a response time of at least 5 minutes to the station. The rest of us must stay at the EMS station for the duration of our shifts. Volunteers get paid per call according to their cert levels. Let's be proffessional about our duties and responsibilities as EMS techs. The lives of the people in our communities are counting on us. Your brother in EMS, gods_medic :wink:
  3. 8) we have our doctors and our nurses and we even have our home health care providers. ahhh.....then there's the EMT. Where would we be without the EMT ?Lets look at a few examples..... There's a mother trying to drive her little child who just cut themselves to the hospital all hysterical almost running everyone off the road while she is trying to drive and apply presssure to her child's wounds at the same time. A man is trapped in his car/truck after being involved in a head-on collision but cannot remove himself from the mangled wreckage. It is a privilege, an honor and a great responsibility to serve and to provide health care to those people in our communities who cannot help themselves. To bring a smile to a young boy or girl who is terrified because they have no idea about what is going to happen to them. To comfort mom or dad when you assure them that everything is being done to help their loved one through their terrible ordeal. To know that you are making a difference in someones life. HEY ! someones gotta do it.....and i love doing it...just like some of you do.....keep up the good work guys. May God truly bless you all. Your brother in EMS, gods_medic :wink:
  4. 8) no need to undress our patients other than to remove a jacket/sweater or roll up a sleeve for blood pressure. we use monitors with three leads and it's not hard or does not take up too much time to apply leads to patient that is fully clothed. More critical patients that need emergency care get their clothes removed the easy way ( bandage sheers ). Everything that needs to come off will come off depending on the patients condition and situation. Our job is to provide pertinent care for our pts and transport them to the proper facilities,clean-up,re-supply,and prepare for our next call. Sheets work really well for pts that have to be unclothed while enroute. your brother in EMS, gods_medic :wink:
  5. [/font:b5cada8470] 8) howdy guys ; there are many good points here and i feel like some of you do. Excercise requires discipline, motivation,technique,and know how, so be sure to educate yourself before trying anything that may be too vigorous or strenuous for you. Like Dustdevil said, you need to discipline yourself to working out like you do about brushing your teeth or wearing a seatbelt. Before you know it , it becomes routine. Where i work, we work 72 hour shifts and through out the days...we have plenty of time for working out. Our boss does not provide us with any equipment but has no problems with us buying our own equipment. I have bought a home gym system (weights), a total gym, an ab lounge and some other excercise stuff for our office. which we use through out the day. I normally work out later in the evening when our call volume is down. There is more than enough time for a good workout. In this line of work, it is important to stay fit not just for yourself but for your partner as well so that you can handle your part of the weight and duties. take care and be careful working out. your brother in EMS, gods_medic. :wink: 8)
  6. 8) Howdy guys !!!! guess who ? I for one, believe in GOD- I mean - I work for the GUY. I agree with mike - "I would rather believe and be wrong than not believe and be wrong" - well put mike . Thank You. There have been many people that have passed on-( died and came back to life )-( believers and non-believers ),that have shared their stories about their experiences in heaven or hell. They've shared what they saw, heard, felt, and smelled. It was all very real to them.The experience changed their lives for ever. None of them ever saw GOD either. But the bible does state " there shall no man see me and live " - EXODUS 33:20 . I believe that GOD has a greater plan for us than just to spend a short time here on earth and then it's all over when we die. We were created in HIS image - we are an intelligent people and in HIS image we truly are. He ( GOD ) is the ultimate creator and like HIM, we too create. He seeks to have a relationship with us just as we seek to have a relationship with those we care about. As far as how old the earth is - no one really knows." One day is with the LORD as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. "-2 PETER 3:8. The heat in the earth's core makes everything age really fast just like something that is hanging from your rear view mirror ages really fast from the sun's rays comming through the window. Not everything in GOD'S creation was meant for us to know or understand. Do you remember when you were still a child and your parents would say to you that you couldn't do that or go there, say certain words or behave in a certain manner ? - well then - we being GOD'S children , are not allowed to know certain things that GOD has kep't from us. But we know that it is for our own good or for our own benefit. I choose to believe the bible. That it ( the bible ), is GOD'S written word - written by men that were inspired by GOD's HOLY SPIRIT. Some day, everyone will believe in GOD - whether in heaven or in hell. " That at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess thst JESUS CHRIST is LORD to the glory of GOD the FATHER. " philippians 2:10 - 11. GOD IS REAL !!!!!!! _ you can count on it. May GOD truly bless you. your brother in EMS, GODS_MEDIC .
  7. 8) Howdy guys - Listen, i've been in the EMS business for ten years now,both-( private and 911 ),and i have learned that we are part of a family that provides a service of care for people who need it at one level or another. We are professionals none-the-less.I have worked with different techs - emt-b,emt-i and, paramedics--they all have their way of doing things.I try to learn how everyone prefers to do things so that i can help in keeping our relationship-tech between tech, a good one, and making a good experience as possible for the patient. The little things that we do for and with each other do help - ( i.e...how we lift the strethcher, being there when our partner is receiving a patient report from a nurse or family member just in case he/she may have missed something, preping iv set-up, documentation etc.,etc... ). Let's learn to work with each other in spite of our differences. Let's respect and appreciate each others opinions. Remember - the communities in which we work are expecting us to provide them with the best care that we can at what ever level that crew may be-BLS, ALS OR, ACLS, and whether we are the local 911 service or a private service - we are professionals-so let's behave as professonals -even with each other. Let's educate , not bash each other.We get plenty of that from people outside of the EMS service. Thank You. your brother in EMS , gods_ medic
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