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  1. Dems have done great in Mass. High cost of living and high taxes. Unless your an illegal then you can go to school for free and free medical care. A & B on an EMT is dismissed from court as part of the job. Now with free them all Deval in office it is only going to get worse. I can't wait to get out of this state.
  2. I use to work for Armstrong, I noticed a lot of people at Lifeline jumped ship and appear to have started Lifeline. I worked at Armstrong from 98-02, left after getting my medic (went to Western Mass). When I left moral was low. Some of those who left Armstrong were blamed for the moral by employees. It could have come from above. I will say I did have a lot of fun working there at times. I would be cautious of a start up service. It sounds like a lot of money must have been spent to start Lifeline, I would like to know where it came from and how many contracts they have already arranged. If you had a good time at Pro try them. When it comes down to it all depends on what you make of it. Don't do anything stupid and you can always change companies.
  3. I went in the Coast Guard in 95 and never learned it. I think the Boy Scouts may still teach it.
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