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  1. Ok let me just start out by saying that all of us paramedics don't think we are gods yes we have an ego to some extent some of us more then others. As a medic high flow 02 is not going to hurt the PT for a short time. there is also a condition called air trapping with copd it's not the fact they can't inhale it's more like they can't exhale and then they air trap or build up CO in the body and then resp acidosis sets in so the question is was the Pt moving air in and out when you first arrived. Rather then bumping the PT to a full 15 LPM maybe you should have increased his 02 to the max for a N/C which is 6LPM and see what happens then switch to NRB and go to 10LPM and so on. I'm not saying you did the wrong thing but maybe just being a little more conservative with the 02 and gradually raise the level would be better for the PT. Please don't categorize all medics in one we are not all full of yourselves some do remember where we started from and thats either a cfr or emt and remember BLS before ALS. I hope i have helped you and your next copd PT.
  2. mdparamedic


    For those of you that think RSI is a big deal I'm here to yell you it is but when used properly it is the best tool for the PT and yourself. we use it at my agency for medical and trauma Pt's. When i say use it properly I mean when the person really can't control there own airway and when you use it the best thing to do is have everything that you need or think you might need ready for example all your meds drawn up tube ready laryngascope ready and working bvm and O2 on and your secondary device ready ( we use a combitub). be confidant but not cocky and you will do just fine..
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