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Everything posted by iMac

  1. Oh my god all those screen names? I remember those days!
  2. iMac


  3. I'm absolutely devastated. He was such an incredible guy. I talked to him less than a week ago, and he was doing so well...absolutely devastated. Rest in peace my friend. May we meet again outside of Texas!
  4. Thought this was pretty good. Had to post it. http://embracethis.co.uk/
  5. A very good idea, might just do that too.
  6. iMac

    Where did it go?

    Taken me months to figure out where it had gone. Thanks Lone.
  7. Lone, you've just reminded me why I get the big bucks doing what I do
  8. I hear yea and I agree, but who do you charge when most of the missions are for skeletons or other body searches that turn out blank. Nothing is charged locally, and they run strictly on donations. I'm not sure how you could measure or draw the line of who you would charge and who you wouldn't. My personal view on this, is this is providing a service. Regardless of the fact you called or didn't call for them, they had to come out. You don't provide free pre-hospital care if the patient itself didn't call do you? I call for charging regardless of the situation.
  9. I won't post on here where I work and get this from first hand, but seeing students from ALL alberta programs, I will tell you up front, the worst students we have seen have come out of CCEMS. Now what YOU specifically get out of the program, might just work great for you. People's opinions and attitudes about the place can vary so much. Conversations, rumors, exchanges, experiences with either the instructors, preceptors, student can really, affect your view on a program or school. Unfortunately I have to stay bias free with who we work with, BUT I will also tell you right up front, some of the worst students we've seen and continue to see come out of CCEMS. I honestly have no idea as to the reason for it but it's been affecting practically everyone who's come out of there. Again, you might just turn out to be one of the lucky few who will turn out just fine. Either wait, good luck with your choice and decision(if its not to late at this point).
  10. I need your help! I just spent 20 mins trying to find this stupid video. Months ago someone posted an absolutely hilarious 911 video of this white guy who gets stabbed and calls 911- a pakistany "telemarketer" picks up and attempts to make him an account instead of taking his call as a 911 emerg call. Can anyone help me where this video went?!
  11. I find that pretty amusing. Shows you how much of an example mom mmust have been. How embarrassing.
  12. Good for them. Hope a lot of people heard about it and got a lot of discussion and thinking happening.
  13. Ridiculous. Funny the Government wasn't capable to stop him yet a regular gent did. Pathetic.
  14. This world is really f*cked...hug your families tonight folks. http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/strollerderby/archive/tags/car+accident/default.aspx
  15. iMac


    Speaks for itself.
  16. Not sure I would have done any better knowing who I had in the back.
  17. I don't know but I bet you it wasn't Linda
  18. My mom did sign me up for tickets tho obviously I continue to sit here...so I didn't get any. As for did I watch the memorial? YEP I did and not once, but twice as I wanted a family member to watch it, so I watched it again with family. Thought it was well put together on the amount of time they had to do get it all done.
  19. An interesting article. I have out of habit always taken my own BPs (as I've always trusted my skills more than that of a machine). There have been a few occasions where the BP I was getting from the monitor didn't seem to quite add up with the rest of my vitals and/or patient condition. I wouldn't mind reading more studies on this.
  20. That was hilarious. Thanks for sharing the video
  21. "Forever" by Chris Brown
  22. iMac

    I wish game.

    Poof! your wish is granted but you are now wearing a robe, and..... Wish I could be skinny
  23. I didn't even read passed sentence Number 2. With my scope if CPR has been started, I have to keep going.
  24. OK IT WAS MINE ALRIGHT! (looks left and right changes pics from *everybody* to *only friends*) On a serious note, it's really not news. It's incredible the stupidity of people these days. Even facebook. The profile info I have on mine wouldn't allow even the most up to date facebooker to know what I've been to that day, what I did yesterday and so on. There is nothing there. As for pictures, I have 3 albums? I believe, all of them of my bloody horse. Non of me, friends, co-workers, non of people. To add onto that, there recently was, just a few weeks ago a huge thing on the news about the actual dangers of using a website such as facebook. There are hackers everywhere folks! why post your phone number?? I will admit I fell to, into that facebook circle but dude(s) you gotta be careful with that f'ing program. Its not really THAT good, not to the point to risk putting your info up. Cheers!
  25. iMac

    Dad at 13 years old

    When you thought it couldn't get any better :shock:
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