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Everything posted by iMac

  1. What about the fact she is also 26 prego...throw a towel under her right hip/underneath the board.
  2. DUSTDEVIL you are my hero. You always have the perfect thing to say, thank you for the laughs.
  3. You arent technically allowed to leave. This would be considered an MCI and since as described in this call you are the highest level of care, you can't leave the scene until more units show up. Triage, triage, triage. I would strongly consider Air med evac if you have it available. That you would be allowed to do and stay on scene while that patient air lifted. Maybe I'm not understanding the question?
  4. hahaha Dust. Ever watch them with the sound off?? Even better!
  5. it seems that the video I posted wasnt correct but yes they did have more videos. A patient talking during an arrest? In the video I posted the patient was blinking at regular intervals as if she was just lying down allowing them to work her. Havent seen any of this yet during any of the codes I've had but really hope I don't. It would bother me.
  6. What the fricking crap is that for video??? never seen a patient blinking while in full arrest... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdflIw3MPHU I edited title but dont know what its about since I cant open the video, if title is wrong, please correct it...AK
  7. One of those things the public assumes and doesnt and never will understand. Public Relations and Education people.
  8. as it has been said the ACP web page will have have most of what you are looking for since they need to post it and as far as protocols go your best bet is going to whatever area you are going to work at. It's service dependant.
  9. It's a tough test. I went and did it. You should for sure hold the food for a few hours prior to unless you want to yack in front of the other 20-30 participants. Make sure you also have a BP, so in other words if you have elevated blood pressure take care of it before wasting your time and money going there. Your vitals will be checked prior to and after the test. I never prepared for the test myself and did it within the time frame but it is VERY demanding. I would strongly encourage training prior to going there.
  10. SCREW THEM. I have had multiple surgeries now and it as been protocol right before going into the O.R. for the nursing staff to start the line. I am a difficult stick. After getting the first 2 operations and getting stabbed 5-6 times I have since refused to let the nurses get near me and demand the Anesthetist to start the line once in the Operating Room. They have been very unhappy with me as I mess up their schedule and go against their standard protocols, but THEY CAN BITE ME. There is nothing they can do. I'm a hard stick and I refuse to be stabbed half a dozen times for it. At the end of the day only one person starts the line and its the doc, no one else.
  11. iMac

    Smart People

    I hate you all.
  12. that was a good one, just hope I can bring it up again closer to x-mas.
  13. HA HA HA HA good one, I remember why I dont drink.
  14. :thumbup:
  15. dear lord...I barely start off this post and I have 12 replies. alright, lovely day outside, about 20 degrees celcius. This lovely gentlemen was inside walmart doing some shopping when he started to "feel unwell". He had been feeling so for 10-15 mins when he proceeded to walk outside for some fresh air, which at this point the greeter a the entrance(gotta love them) called 911.Upon arrival you see a men in his early-mid thirties pale and diaphoretic sitting on a bench waiting for EMS. As you approach him you find him aware of your arrival but does not speak to you. You noticed some fresh vomit-ish substance in his lap and the ground. One at a time let me know what you want to know at this point. I cant reply to 12 posts (sorry, Im not that good).
  16. you find a 28 year old at walmart sitting just outside the main entrance sitting forward saying I dont feel so good. What do you want to know?
  17. wh ere did you get your avatar? It's a Calgary EMS patchwhere did you get your avatar? It's a Calgary EMS patch
  18. iMac

    3 Word Story

    it includes many
  19. "If we don’t have the key, we cant have whatever it is we don’t have that it unlocks, so what purpose would be served to find whatever it need be unlocked, which we don’t have,without first having found the key which unlocks it." Jack Sparrow: Why is the rum gone? Elizabeth: One: because it is a *vile* dring that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two: that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire royal navy is out looking for me, do you think there is even the slightest chance they wont see it?
 Jack Sparrow: But why is the rum gone? Jack Sparrow: A wedding? I love weddings. Drinks all around! Will Turner: Where's Elizabeth?
 Jack Sparrow: She's safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised. And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really... except for, of course, Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman. Jack Sparrow: No one. He's no one. Distant cousin of my Aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice.
  20. "EMS service in the City of Calgary costs Calgarians $1.81 per month." Where do you get that one????
  21. My dog: Snifflin Logan Straw
  22. LOL Gotta love the sound of the frying pan :toothy5:
  23. It doesnt matter who I show this video to, the response is always quite good. Thanks again for sharring.
  24. .....freakin' game......
  25. iMac

    3 Word Story

    after throwing up
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