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Everything posted by iMac

  1. ok, who's coming with me to the support group classes...
  2. "Pirate Barney the Infected" Oh my gosh that's hilarious, I can just picture that one
  3. http://gangstaname.com/pirate_name.php "No-Eyes Andrea"
  4. 8)
  5. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/370688/new_m...r_cardiac_arre/
  6. It's interesting to see how different it can be according to what service you apply to. :shock:
  7. Interesting. Can't imagine how the insurance would work on that one.
  8. *mental note* make sure to not die and require an ambulance that week
  9. why are there 2 threads about the same thing....
  10. can we have a "bash the paramedics here" thread?
  11. It has already been said pretty well but I do want to say this. I also disagree with the fact that with time you can "skip steps" because you are more experienced. As a health care provider you should never skip steps, I think it may seem that way when you look at the seasoned paramedics because they are able to use the experience they have to go straight into the assessment and treatments required for that problem (searching for that differential diagnosis). As a brand new EMT you don't have that experience to fall back on, so you do the entire body assessment no matter the problem.With time you learn what it is you are looking for, what you can do later into your assessment, you learn what the priority is for most circumstances. Nothing is ever bypassed, you are just more efficient at what you do.
  12. With the last post especially I think everything has been said. If you look more specifically into the fire Department or Police I'm sure you can also find certain specialized areas to that might be of interest.
  13. The ones that call for an ambulance because they are on the verge of dying (yet I can't seem to find whats actually wrong with them) and the entire family follows the ambulance in their private vehicle all the way to the hospital. :x
  14. LOL ....(I'm just going to go sit over in my corner and bite my lip)
  15. Another reminder why I'm Canadian...
  16. that was hilarious. Disturbing but really funny. One comes to wonder tho where you find the time to make a video like that.
  17. late reply on that one, but in general for anyone healing from injuries just sit back, relax and watch some tv. Give yourself the time off while you get it. Let your body heal it will do you good in the long run.
  18. I think in the wrong position to answer this since where I'm at EMT's cannot do 12 leads, having said that wouldnt it be patient dependent?? How can you make a general statement as to which is more important where every pt is different. Either way with the training I have putting my pt on the monitor doesnt really do much for me since I can't give any cardiac drugs. other than O2 but at that point I dont need the monitor to decide whether or not I want my pt on O2. I would say with my training that it would depend on the pt. Some I would want a line first where as others it's as important for the time being and a monitor might be a better option.
  19. As it has been said, running some scenarios with someone is a good way of doing it. Just reviewing and quizzing yourself on old school material, books DVD etc. Online is also a great place for reviewing, with some research you will find a lot of tests and quizzes you can take, some good review material. Outside of the rigs finding a teaching position would probably be the best alternative.
  20. LMBO... Good one!
  21. iMac


    LMBO...gotta love how honest kids can be.
  22. What are the hours like? It comes down to the service. I have had to work 4 on 4 off rotations to 48 hours on 4 days off, to 7 on 7 off. It will change a lot according to where you work.
  23. Why would you want the list of books?! If you are registered to take a course there, they should be providing you with the books.
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