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Everything posted by iMac

  1. One of the services I worked for allowed us to work in the ER while on call. We responded from the hospital. Our medical director was the emerg doc so we worked under him while in hospital. Great experience and would love to get the opportunity to do it again. If you get the chance and you have your basis covered I would strongly recommend doing it.
  2. Done concerts (even raves). Nothing really exciting. Loud with crazy people high or drunk jumping around (makes me think of the teletubbies for some reason). Would I do either one again? nope...
  3. shut the crap up North...oh wait what's the purpose of this thread? :geek: :love7:
  4. Congrats mate! It's fantastic to hear someone else has made it. Congratulations
  5. I think the quickest transport time I have ever had was 30 mins. Unless you work in the city here a lot of rural services required long transport times. If you are lucky you can work rural and have a hospital right in town, I know I havent been fortunate enough to have that blessing. But yes during long transport times all you can really do is re-assess. Every 5 mins? Thats bit of an extreme. If the patient's condition warrants assessing that often then yes but most of the patients I have transported on long transfers like got re-assessed every 15 ish mins or so. Only a handful would have been critical enough to require many sets of vitals over short periods of times but those pts were flown out anyways.
  6. I'm not sure what you're talking about. What's the difference between the ones you are asking about and the regular ones we all use?
  7. iMac

    Lift Test

    125lbs? You're lucky we got another 50 lbs on top of that when I did mine. Here they throw a dummy on a scoop stretcher and they partner you up with someone. You have to go up and down 2 flights of stairs. You usually end going backwards one way and facing forward the other. Hope it helps
  8. C-spine clearance in the field all depends on where you work. Most of the services I have worked for there are very specific things that they have to do on scene and ask the patient in order to clear c-spine. One of the services I worked for you couldn't clear it in the field. All service dependent.
  9. I think it's a case by case thing. Some patients will present with very obvious signs and symptoms that warrant high flow O2. Having said that in some patients I will use a NC to keep them calm thus reducing some of the symptoms they are complaining of. When it comes down to it high flow O2 won't hurt them and all you have to do is change the tank after the call if need be which is also something thats easy to do. If you arent sure just go with high flow.
  10. I don't saline being a problem but you shouldnt be using it over more than 10% of the BSA. If you do you are now having to deal with hypothermia.
  11. It just depends on the services. Most of the ones I have worked for the limit was 21 due to insurance purposes to drive the ambulance.
  12. iMac

    New Names?

    I always wonder where you folks find all these type of things online...
  13. it's a joke right?!
  14. iMac


    Havent seen it but will do so shortly. Only seen one of his movies and it was alright so this one might be worth looking at.
  15. iMac


  16. iMac

    New Names?

    Boobie Bubble-head :alien:
  17. the EMT should have stopped at the intersection, he didnt, he's at fault end of story.
  18. OH MY GOSH WENDY I NEARLY DIED WATCHING THIS. =D> Thanks for sharring.
  19. I like McDonalds....
  20. You guys are a bunch of liars! I find it hard to believe all of you have percentages that are that low.
  21. Have recently heard a lot of negative things about Augustana. Rumors are always Bias so those opinions I have heard of people who have gone there will be according to what it is they think. I wouldnt go there.
  22. :albino:
  23. that was really good :colors:
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