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Everything posted by iMac

  1. Good site, most of the videos are pretty funny.
  2. That was hilarious. Loved that last video
  3. Yea I saw that first post a couple of years ago. Pretty interesting.
  4. This is my fun 8)
  5. Cook your food yourself, eat less more often. Eat bad food (cookies, cake etc) in moderation and excercise. Been out of commission for a while and still not able to be active and saw a few lbs add on. Following the above and its working great.Good Luck
  6. if you have time issues to study because you are working to much, tough luck. Don't work. Might have been something you should have considered before starting school mate. Im in the same problem right now. Working and saving so I dont have to work while in school to prevent the problem you have right now.
  7. Do what I did. Go to your local EMS station and talk to them in person. You can ask about ride alongs, if they dont take ride alongs they will most likely know of other services where you can head out. Do research online, get involved with volunteer work directly involved with EMS or medical anything. Always lots out there. That will get you connections which can always open new doors for you, you just never know. Good Luck.
  8. It would depend for each person. In the end I don't see that it matters. Chances are if they really didnt remember the events prior to the accident (due to an actual TBI) chances are you will have other obvious signs of head injury than just amnesia. I doubt you would get, it never happened to me anyways, a pt that can't remember what happened yet you have nothing else that could be obvious of a possible head injury (contusions, facial abrasions, changes in BP, pulse pressure, agitation etc) Then you would also potentially have other signs like damage to the inside of the vehicle, or cracked/broken helped etc... Maybe its me, maybe a lot of you have seen that happen before, who knows. But from what I had experienced, I wouldnt get one without getting at least one more of the other.
  9. iMac


    I was trained to use LMAs and Combitubes. It was part of our scope up until last year but will at some point will be coming back. They are both user friendly and came and will make a huge difference over an OPA. I much rather seeing those EMTs out there using them over OPAs
  10. iMac

    Mac vs PC

    no more comments?! come on you pansies, you all jealous or our superiority thats it... http://www.apple.com/getamac/
  11. iMac

    Mac vs PC

  12. Thats another pretty funny video. Have it saved on my youtubes account. There is one that is also pretty good. Take a look at it. one more
  13. I remember seeing that on TV. Some of the things they have come up with in the past have been hilarious.
  14. that's pretty funny. I would never be able to come up with a story that quick, but if I could I would do the same thing.
  15. "You bastard"
  16. Waw that was pretty low. A fairly inappropriate way of switching the topic to a negative view on your fellow staff. But again if you were as tired you say you were, you probably needed that last bit of ego boost before heading to bed =D>
  17. LMBO...waw, so true.
  18. HA HA HA, thats awesome dawn. I thought I was the only one paranoid with the whole "Do NOT touch that pen" issue. Glad I'm not the only nutcase. 8)
  19. I swear a lot of patients have seen that cartoon. :roll:
  20. It can be a tought call. I have heard of story where 2 medics were called for a fall. An 85 yo female had slipped on a sidewalk curb and couldnt get up. She didnt have any complaints other than some minor leg lower leg pain, right below her knee. From what I understood, it was a student and 2 medics. Dont know who, or where but they picked her up and a piece of femur fell down on the sidewalk. As it happend she obviously had an open femur fracture...oops :? Personally dont know how you could miss something like that, but again I wasnt there. Some injuries can just be tricky to find. Some might not actually show obvious signs until much later.
  21. Thats quite funny. I have never personally had that call. Most of the patients I have had are farmers and will wait until they are dying to decide they might actually need an ambulance, or it's the natives(no offence) on the reserves who want a free cab ride in town and are out the Emerg door before we even get a chance to re-arrange the truck. On many occasions I have heard of patients complain because they thought if they had come in by ambulance they would have been seen quicker which is as we all know, false. Others complain because even when they come in by ambulance they get thrown in the waiting room and waited for many, many, many, many hours :wink: What a waste of staff and equipment
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