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Everything posted by iMac

  1. Thats what I woud follow.
  2. Excellent game, Im not much for games online but that was cute. Loved the music.
  3. Good post. If you don't give your patient O2 because he has COPD he isn't getting what he needs. If you give him O2 he is getting what he needs but even if his/her hypoxic drive were to kick in which from what you guys are saying would take hours anyways, we can still treat the pt when he/she quits breathing and loses consciousness. Am I missing a bigger picture?
  4. Whit perhaps you might want to check the link below. You say 30% are true emergencies?! waw, I'm going to relocate to where you are mate. Sounds much funner than where we are here...in EMS only about 5% of calls are true emergencies..... No one, me included would ever take a patient half naked as you described. If that patient calls because they are having an "emergency" as in him/her, the patient, the individual hurt or sick which is where you seemed to have some difficulties undestanding my post they should not expect me to help them pack their wardrobe. "They call, We haul" end of story. If on the other hand my pt was undressed then yes (for god's sake) I'm going to throw something on them! If its a sweet old lady who has trouble getting around and wants something extra to cover herself, then yes I will help her! Bed side manners mate. Here is for you mate http://www.readingcomprehensionconnection.com/
  5. Well said Dust. A pt tells me "I want to die or kill myself" and he WINS himself an ambo ride. If on the other hand he starts being a jerk and wants to fight with me or just doesnt want to come then thats it, I call for police/RCMP back up. Its not 125lbs of me or my high 5'5 stature thats going to fight him. Not part of my job description, not worth my health and well...I would lose. End of story.
  6. iMac

    Lift Test

    The lift test is easy. If I can do it (I'm petite in size) anyone can do it. The one we have here includes you being with a partner and a 125lbs dummy on a scoop stretcher. You have to walk backwards with a partner up 2 flights of stairs without putting the dummy down. You then get a break at the top of the stairs if you want one then you go back down that 2 flights of stairs facing forward this time. Don't sweat it. It sounds worse than it is mate. Good luck.
  7. We also carry gowns in our units. If my patient calls me its because it is an emergency. There wont be time for them to get dressed and they shouldnt expect me to help do so. They call because they need immediate care and or treatment. If my patient is still conscious and running around in underwear or nakie then yes I'll have them grab a robe. If its an unconscious, undressed patient then I'll attempt to throw something over top my patient. Im not paticularly interested in seeing things that might mark me for life, thank you very much. We also do ECGs but the placement of the leads is very easy to get even in the fully dressed patient. If they are wearring heavy clothing (such as winter jackets etc) I will quickly explain the whys of what it is I need to do and will assist them if need be in the removing of that article of clothing so I can have access for that lead placement. As a medical proffesional, the least of my worries is what Joe/Jane is wearring at that given moment.
  8. iMac

    Spinals @ MX

    It all depends on whether or not the patient is still supine on the track or standing up. Im not familiar with the kind of helmets they use when they do motorcross but unless Im really worried about the airway or think there is a chance Im going to be concerned about the airway I wont even bother to get take it off but boarding someone with a helmet on is a pain in the ars.
  9. The one service I did some volly for carries the vacuum splints but I will say in the 2 and a half years I have worked EMS only once did I have to splint something and it was an ankle. A pillow along with some triangulars worked wonderful. I can see that a vacuum or other premade splints would work really well to prevent movement above and below a joint but if it were me I would go for comfort and would prefer have medics use a pillow (always variations depending on the location of the actual injury).
  10. Im sorry I think I might be an idiot...so you would have the actual pupil deviate and move from the centre of the eye? Wouldnt it change the shape of the eye? Im having a hard time trying to understand that.
  11. another thing, is there an actually bus driver??? Was the video for "air bag" type testing purposes? I hope the 2 people who took part in the test were paid well...
  12. Im glad someone said something because I had noticed the dash board thing as well but because no one had said anything I thought I was maybe losing my marbles. The dash is different, the steering wheel, even the occupants dont look surprise at the fact they are about to get hit by a bus. Nor does the bus appear to slow down at all even tho it is hard to tell in the view its in. What I first wondered when I looked at the video was how you would manage to get a camera mounted where it was mounted in such a way that it would be expected to be involved in a wreck(I guess there is also those race cars tho right? those sometimes have mounted cams inside the vehicle...but then again they occupants dont have racing equipment). Also if you play the video in slow-mo, correct me if I'm wrong but the airbag appears to come out from behind the passenger. Im glad again someone made a similar observation and posted it.
  13. ...that's gonna leave a mark
  14. I cant help you out as far as what programs offer what but I would strongly suggest not to take college course while you are in a paramedic program. You need to focus on the medic program 110%. It would be very difficult to focus on a different course as well. It might be a good idea to finish whatever courses you are now before you tackle something else. Good Luck.
  15. I love you Dust. You're hilarious man
  16. I used to see those suicidal attempt patients as "attention seekers" as well. I wouldn't treat them any differently but my respect level for them would be a lot more different than most other patients. Those patients are usually the ones who require the most help compared to your "typical" 911 call that does not usually require an ambulance in the first place. Over time I also have personally gone thru certain experiences where I have learned and now have a much better understanding as to what brings someone to such thoughts and actions. Something that could happen to any of us. Those patients (maybe using the wrong method) seek that help that those of us would never admit to needing as well. Who is stronger in the end? As it has been said, some people become into that "frame of mind" because of uncontrollable events. They have gone down a path that they didnt realise they went down and require that little boost we can provide as caregivers. Others are having difficulties because of a mental illness which is sometimes not something they have control over at all. No matter where you've come from do your job the best way you know how and have been trained and care for that patient without being judgemental. You will never know what brought this individual to where they are now.
  17. There isn't much I could have done on my end. We cant give any drugs and ALS back up in the services I work for I to distant. Not sure how close the hospital would have been in this scenario but my only option might have been to just take him there assuming its a facility that can handle a pt as such. I saw what the answer was but being from Canada and the level of care I can currently provide I'll go ahead and write out what it is I would have done.Will try not to go in to much detail. We would hold c-spine on that one. From the sounds of it we really shouldn't have it as a concern but we dent know so he wins himself a board. Would assess his airway/breathing. From info given he would require a NRB to get his sats up. At that point while I finish my circulation check and bleeds I'm going to try to get a rapid Hx at the same time from daughter.Partner can check quickly our vitals (be concerned with BGL and BP). Board him. Take bag of meds which would have been put together by daughter, throw pt in back. Re-asses ABCs/Vitals. Start my line/cardiac monitor and do my body surveys...drive fast, Done. There is nothing that I can give to this pt. Fluid bolus at this point I dont believe is warranted and if the BGL is low I would have the option of D50W. Stroke and TIA being a precaution I not being sure what is going on with this pt I would give half the dose, reassess LOC and BGL and go from there. If pt condition improved I would finish the dose, if not I would stop. Im done. Again right now with our scope I dont see myself being very useful for the poor guy, but from the looks of it urban hypothermia is part of what got this guy. Sucks to be him.
  18. ............................NO.........................
  19. Trauma Life in the ER was good,I thought Paramedics was ok for the short time period it was actually on but I think one of my favorite shows was...mm...I hope that one was on TLC, "Lifeguards" You guys saw that one? I thought it was pretty good but again same thing it didnt last very long. 8)
  20. I dont understand why you would do it. Im from Alberta and did give the drug once a few years back when I was on practicum. I have never seen anyone do it or even heard of it prior to this post. To me it doesnt make sense. I would hope especially with a drug like that you would make sure you had a good line before administering it. Its not that complicated. Pay close attention to your line during administration and give it a good flush afterwards :wink:
  21. iMac


    ...dead people are just disgusting...
  22. screw them all, they can die. No I refuse to carry anything. My cell phone is the only thing I always have with me even then no guarantee I will use it. In my car I have a small airway kit, just enough to attempt keeping someone alive until EMS arrives which hopefully is quickly. If they die.....more food for the rest of us.
  23. I dont know I question myself all the time....
  24. I call you guys "Organ donors". :wink: (having said that I show jump horses competitively.....)
  25. Like I said its not worth my energy on that one :wink:
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