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Everything posted by iMac

  1. If you have a problem with someone, give them a call...dont have time to play around Cheers
  2. I had a quad rollover yesterday. Other than the fact I had a moreon partner who left me on scene for over an hour by myself the call ended up running well, thank god because there were no resources and had no help out there. I must rather have a good trauma call though over most medicals. I enjoy the hands on.
  3. ......I don't wear anything when I go on calls :wink:
  5. iMac

    12 Lead ECGs

    I was doing some research online. Been trying to learn more about 12 lead ECGs. I found some pretty wicked sites and thought I would share. Wouldnt mind if any of you guys have anymore you know about which are worth looking at. Take Care http://www.12leadecg.com/full/ecgindex.cfm http://emergencyekg.com/?gclid=CPSu34WX0ocCFSJCGAod7nMGIw http://www.biopac.com/AppNotes/app109ECG/ecglead.html http://www.ecglibrary.com/ecghome.html
  6. lol...thanks Rid
  7. my opinion....at 18 you are of legal age and that is the only time you should ever be allowed on the ambulance. No 15 or 16 year old not even adults could ever imagine or even guess what it is they might be about to see. I have seen some nasty looking dead, disgusting patients ( and body parts) in my short EMS career and to be quite honest (lucky for me) never had any student or ride alongs with me nor would I ever want to or recommand taking an under aged/uneducated, clueless ride along. If you have an EMS student along for school and education purposes then there is a difference, because at that point they have a better understanding as to what it is we do and what it is they might see. That person is there for a given purpose, even if they get a "bad" call and decide that EMS is not for them then so be it. I'm not even going to go into the liability issues that would go along with having someone under age on the trucks. I cant even imagine being treated by a kid.....
  8. I have never heard of any service or school that teaches you how to dress someone...for craps sake I dont even know how to dress myself! No I would not dress my patient, as far as I am concerned it isnt my job.
  9. iMac


    We are trained with both here but we only carry combitubes, my vote? ....combitubes
  10. as it happend to be, she had been in the accident 2 days prior to us picking her up. When they did a full work up at the hospital they saw she had overdosed on the tylenol and was now showing signs of a head injury. She was boarded and we transferred her to a trauma centre a few hours away. She died 9 days after we transferred over care....
  11. The reason why I posted this post in the Canadian Forum is because this country is the country that most likely has the most population of Natives (Not putting them down by any means), which makes it more likely for CDNs to answer. Take Care
  12. Well I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine and this came up. In the song called "Return to Innocence" by Enigma. Great song by the way, do you think it was a real Indian singing??
  13. The T3's are hers. I insist a lot as to why she has them, the prescrition is only a few days old. I cant get a PMHx either. Other than her ALOC I cant get anything out of her. So we arrived at the hospital where we bump into her doc.... .....I thought I was going to scream....her doc tells us she involved in an single vehicle rollover which killed her husband, her son was in the vehicle as well..... Minor info eh....I mean I think anyone would forget that type of accident eh :roll:
  14. I dont see anything wrong with someone who wants to attempt to learn more. If all EMTs and medics were like that it would make a significant difference in the level of care we provide.I dont see the need to make "smartass" comments about a basic or EMT-I trying to learn more, hope it boosted your self esteem because we all know thats something thats important right :wink:
  15. Ahhhh....I see the right train of thought happening here but I cant just yet let you know what happend. When questioning the son about any recent trauma he denies knowing anything. We moved her over to our cot in the back of our unit. She altered but is still able to maintain her own airway. As I said earlier lung sounds are clear, pupils are sluggish at 2 mm. Skin is cool and dry. The 3 lead shows sinus tach. Sternum Fx is also going in the right direction. She does not have a fever. We strip her and do a full body assessment to look for clues. We find multiple contusions on the right hand side of the neck. I grab c-spine and we board her as now it appears like it might be trauma.... The vitals are unchanged.
  16. Unknown if she hit her head. No witnesses. Hx: some minor cardiac Hx Meds: she is taking tylenol 3 (with codeine). Allergies: unknown As we moved her to our the truck we try to wake her up again. This time we get her to open her eyes but she only mumbles. A:open and clear B: 9 shallow C: 104 strong and regular BP: 116:90 BGL: 6.2 mmol ECG: Sinus Tach O2 sat:92% unassisted, goes up to 98% with NRB A/E clear times 4 (but recall the crunch crunch during the sternal rub) No JVD, No Trach deviation, NO med patches, scars, No med. alert. :twisted:
  17. k, sternal rub done.....crunch crunch...minor facial grimace by pt. She is breathing Breathing shallow @ 6/min Pulse 78 strong/regular No Hx of diabetes/seizures LOL about the son's hitting...I did question that myself though...the patient was found unconscious in kitchen before being moved to car outside.
  18. You receive a call for a 60 yo female. The call comes in as a card Unconscious/Fainting. You arrive on scene-scene safe/no hazards. Temp outside is -20/no snow tho. You find your patient unconscious in the passenger side of the vehicle with the pt's son (the only person who has been around pt)trying to seatbelt her in. He states the 3 mins it took you to get there was just too long and he was going to drive her to the hospital. woahaha....what would you like to know? :wink:
  19. I can see how he could be dizzy. Pulse is rapid enough which means the heart may not be perfusing enough oxygen to the brain which would cause the dizziness. (Having said that though I have a heart condition which puts at that rate and I'm ok, all depends on the individual) The low BP is also most likely due to the inadequate perfusion. I had the exact same call last year, where are pt barely made it to the ER before he coded. BLS care is all I would have available to me (ALS 45 mins away). My best option would have been keep him on the monitor, high flow O2, resting, start some lines TKVO, get a good Hx (Cocaine could also be a possibility, dehydration/trauma)and have your partner drive bloody fast to the nearest hospital. I would get everything out and ready for a possible code.
  20. PRPG.....I hate you...... What a cruel scenario....
  21. I just love ya Mike, thanks for sharring...
  22. iMac


    Dead people are just sick... 8)
  23. I cant believe I had never read this post. It was great. Thanks for the laugh!
  24. iMac

    EMS crayons

    Reading this is making nauseous...lol
  25. Dust, I just have to say I love your signature...Hilarious...
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