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Everything posted by iMac

  1. Registered EMT from Calgary
  2. Lots of advice. thank you
  3. iMac


    dead people are disgusting....
  4. LOL.... "may the tube be with you"... sorry thats hilarious. I have another question for you guys. It was reading about D50. It sais it is used for: Pt's with Altered LOC of unknown etiology. hmmmm....I dont get it. If you have someone who is altered you should be doing a full work up anyways(ECG, Vitals, BGL) and then you would know if the BGL might be the cause of the alteration depending on the numbers you get, and for head injuries you are supposed to give the first half, re-assess and then you decide from there if continue with the other half. I dont get it how it can really be unknown because once you get the BGL you will know whether or not it is a D50 candidate wouldnt you? If you are in a position where taking a BGL is just not possible then its different but what am I missing? Are there conditions where it is still a treatment despite a good BGL? I dont get it :?
  5. Thank you very much
  6. I have been trying to learn and be familiar with some of the ALS drugs because I have 12 hours of down time when I work (security) and I figured I may as well read and learn ALS protocols instead of wasting time reading some other silly book. I want to apologize in advance because my knowledge of these drugs is non-existent. I'm an (EMT) and these drugs are not in my scope. Maybe I shouldnt be trying to learn about things that are out of my scope, but eh... So...I read that one of the indications for Calcium Chloride is: -used in hyper-kalemic cardiac arrest. My question is how do you it is. Arent all of them hyper-kalemic because of the fact it is a cardiac arrest (no O2, acid balance changes) Also read about Atropine that: it is used in pre-intubation (especially in children). also sais it is used to reverse vecuronium. If it used pre-intubation... Im confused. Its used before you tube someone but isnt vecuronium given to aid intuabtion? so why would you give it before hand? I'm sorry for being ignorant, I am not familiar at all with those drugs. If anyone is willing to give it a shot and try to explain any of this it would make my day! If you guys know of a good web site that has information as to how those drugs work etc... Thank you so much.
  7. LOL...too true about the Canadian Tire money.... anyone want mine. I never seem to be able to get rid of it. I go out there just to get rid of it but they always give me more.......
  8. waw, it takes a talent.
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