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Everything posted by iMac

  1. well mate...
  2. Interesting thread. Because they called I would head out there but because of her request for ride for a meal it would be enough for me to call local law enforcement. I would evaluate from there. Could this be a psych call *cough*. Explain the purpose and usage of 911 probably call the sup. and leave.
  3. Didn't know there was any privacy as it is :roll:
  4. Can I help?
  5. My glutes aren't that good
  6. 50/50 those are some scary odds folks.
  7. Good for you. If only more people shared your view. Doesn't happen out here. Never had to transport bodies or at least not the officially dead ones *cough*
  8. Speechless..
  9. I've just been told that someone has offered the shoe owner 1. something million for first shoe that was thrown at him. http://streetknowledge.wordpress.com/2008/...thrown-at-bush/
  10. OOOOOPS forgot about this thread. I didn't even know there was such a show, had I known I would have started a long time ago to watch it :shock: *cough* Anyways, as far as I'm concerned they brought a life back and they did a pretty good job of it. To me from what I saw it didn't seem like a staged episode/rescue and had it been one, I need the patient's contact info for out next MCI training. This guy is has some crazy acting skills. Taking my heavy sarcasm aside, I have seen a pretty scary code run by an ALS crew and that wasn't a call I was overly impressed with. We are human and nothing is ever run the way we want it to. Taking also that aside, considering these guys are probably not trained passed strandard first aid, had cameras running and were circled by a herd of sickos who were nothing but curious while having a fun day at the beach-looking on, I think they did very well. Simply a lucky AND good save.
  11. Wouldn't happen here because you have to be at least 18 to even be able to take your entry level then its at least another 2.5 years assuming you were to go straight thru your EMT and Paramedic (which not many do)which already puts well beyond the age you are asking about.
  12. Currently working in-hospital so we got a free turkey dinner(tho the meat was a mystery meat :pukeleft: ) and we stuffed our faces with chocolates staff had brought in for the shift. Something that did happen last night tho which was cute, was the local police, fire and EMS decorated their trucks and toured around town with their lights on. Was very cute and thought was a great christmas eve thing to do. Otherwise no. I talked to some of the medics that came in this afternoon and heard some of them had a turkey dinner at the station. Not sure of the details on that one tho.
  13. I couldn't agree more. This happened while at work and regardless whether or not the EMT was at fault, the insurance of that company should be covering the cost. As for the politics that happen internally after that well...to each our own.
  14. I don't know if its the fact I'm at work bored while reading this, or if it's because I'm tired but I find this post hilarious. The one hospital I worked out had us living in the old O.R. and morgue back 100+ years ago when it was the new hospital. Tho it was a bit of a strange feeling at first and we always questioned what the heck happened in that place at night or during the day while we were gone, it all has to do with how you view things. Your attitude is what will make the difference in this situation. All they are is bodies, not really sure what it is that is bothering you.
  15. HAHAHAHA, hopefully the first time you load this link, it will play the video for you-if not, copy paste the link. http://www.apple.com/
  16. :bootyshake:
  17. Excellent, loved that thing.
  18. " I fly a sled to work every day" bahahahaha! that is excellent!
  19. That is hilarious. I guess it's a good thing the guy only has 2 feet.
  20. That's exciting news, good for you. You will have to let us know how the events turn out. You'll have a blast!
  21. HAHAHA nice
  22. Where I was, was a toss up between chest pain calls and MVCs. We sat next to a major highway in an area where the average age of the population was 96 years old.
  23. Being an EMT I'd be useless for this one. Keep this guy continuously monitored (q5 mins). Do my head to toe. Do we have any medical Hx? pre-existing conditions? (family Hx etc)get a thorough Hx. When did this start? has it happened before? Where's the pain? radiation? N/V, any dyspnea? etc etc. Has the 02 made a difference to him? has he been given anything (medications) prior to take off? what are the directives for this guy? were breath sounds clear? I'd continue monitoring his vitals, I wouldn't mind starting at least 1 line, TKVO. (would be concerned about going down the nitro route with his BP sitting where it is already) Consider bumping up his 02 if he finds it made him a diff. Can we hook up to a 3 lead (keeping all cables close on hand)? what does it show(for my own info). Is there any recent trauma? Pull a barf bag out for both him and I.
  24. Welcome to EMTCity.
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