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Everything posted by iMac

  1. I worked for 6 months in an E.R. as an EMT. I worked under our medical director tho. I did all the patient assessments, helped with procedures (did some of them *cough*)but my medical director was always in the same room and/or right next to me. Exellent experience and would strongly suggest it if you get the chance.
  2. Congrats! will make you a much more rounded person as a whole. Great way to see how both systems work and will without a doubt gain a lot of experience you will be able to take along and use in the future or when you decide to go back on the street. I worked for in hospital and still do now and it has given me a whole new respect for the system as a whole. Much more respect for nursing staff and the physicians.
  3. I fully agree with Ruffs. Our system here is already so overwhelmer and the staff over worked and everything is stretching at the seams. Tho I agree with Ruffs that it would tie beds that are already lacking, a handful of "mystery shoppers" wouldn't really make a big difference. They arent talking about dozens of people here, just 1-2 at a time? but still really goes against what the system is build for. I am sure there are ways around doing this without having fakers come in to evaluate how the system is currently working.
  4. Now maybe I misread your post but why are you wanting to get your class F if you are entering medic school? Are you moving to Alberta? I think that's where I am getting confused. You don't need to get your class F here but you do need your air brakes if you plan on getting into fire fighting. A class 4 is needed to drive he ambulance but thats it.
  5. That will be interesting to see once its actually well under way. They had an article in the newspaper last week about the service here. If they can actually get it to work together well, it should work out better than before but shall see. Going to be some confusion with all this.
  6. I know eh. Not that I should post this but trying to dial a phone number while driving when there is the added digits is fun fun :thumbleft:
  7. And how long have you been working Richard? I have never looked at someone's cell phone-YET- but I have also never been in a situation where I have had to. Someone was around, a medic alert was present or info was available in his/her wallet. I think it's a great program to have and would without a doubt take a look at a phone if I were in a position where it was fit to do so.
  8. LOL "walk it off"... you son of a :wink: I would love to give you a mouth full about broken body parts caused by horses. I would board him first. It really onle takes a couple mins to board and while doing it you can take your Hx-be ready to administer the meds by the time you are in the back.
  9. I was going to post a video or a picture of the new iPhone application. They now have a free app you can load "ICE" which allows you to load everything up. I haven't talked to any of the medics that have been working here to see if anyone knows about it. I think the phone is to new for anyone to even know about it tho. I would personally stick to the regular bracelet-wallet cards than looking at a phone.
  10. Yea...this poor guy carried another solder's casket just a year ago. Had he known...
  11. I can't say I have ever had a partner that really pissed me off. Many of them I would never go and be'friend them but I never had problems working with anyone. I have issues when the person I am with is truely incompetent and fails to do what it is they are trained to do. At that point it's my and my patient's safety. Only had that issue only once. The first thing I do when working with someone is making sure I know where my partner's experience lies. Know how much to expect and how much I can ask of him/her. Also be aware if one might have more experience or seniority than me (which is an excellent thing). You can always work around ignorant or bad partners. Just have to have the right mind set.
  12. That is unfortunate. Can't say I have ever seen a case tho I heard of them. Very unfortunate for the family.
  13. you kidding? that's the first thing I say!
  14. I've only gotten one line there and it was in the middle of a code. Nurse tried 3 times to get it and I happily came in and got it on the inside of the wrist. I've never heard of keeping the bevel down.
  15. Currently working on both end of the stick I think the issue lies with the lack of understanding between what nurses and medics do. Paramedics come in with quite the cocky attitude, which they should (thats where the type A personality kicks in)and the nurses because of what they do and the resources they always have tend to have a much slower way of doing things. What paramedics also don't realise is how little power they actually have over getting beds into the ER. A misconception I think everyone has. Different pace. Different way of doing things with different gear, man power and resources. you may now flame me.
  16. no, it wouldn't be "neat".
  17. I didn't read the whole post but regardless of what the patient was doing you treat them the same. It is frustrating when you know or have a good idea that they are likely faking but at the end of the day you never know and you don't want to make a mistake because you assumed they were faking. Had a guy come in this morning who has been here 7 times in the last week and I knew the second he came in it was a fake but we still cared and treated him as tho it was legit. Even those who cry wolf can from time to time actually have a real complaint. Cheers
  18. Interesting. You have 2 EMS crews here. Regardless of the level of care that crew can give, he/she is a registered and licenced member. You require a special driver's licence here. Regardless of it being an EMT or FF you have someone who is licenced driving.
  19. General human/public health has gone down more and more over the years because of the way things in general have evoluted. Techonology, failing health care systems... It all speaks for itself.
  20. Oh I looooooove it. Nothing better than adding another 3 digits to already long phone numbers...
  21. iMac


    I can't believe this thread is still alive. I think the screen name has changed 2-3 times since. Impressive...
  22. priceless
  23. oh terri that was funny. Made it around the emerg department
  24. "C'est la vie" by Pascal Obispo
  25. I only take credit on this one if you think its good. If not I didn't make it
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