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  1. Forgive me as I have not read beyond the first 4-5 pages. I will enforce what others have said though, This scenario is just WRONG. And I can honestly say, I have never encountered this in my career. (20 years) many of which were working as a basic and then many years later as a paramedic. I am truly alarmed at how many think this is "just reality". It IS out of the scope of practice for a basic to administer morphine. It doesn't matter what the situation was, it should not have happened. Both parties are at fault. My opinion is, the paramedic should lose his certification and the basic should be disciplined. Bottom line is - IT IS ILLEGAL people! Not to mention unethical. The events as well as the falsifying the documentation. I wonder if this paramedic realizes he not only put himself, his partner, his patient, but his service in jeopardy as well? And, just for the record, traction splint is applied on CLOSED femur fractures only.
  2. more
  3. ........How are you to a woman sprawled out on the floor goes down in the "experience column"
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