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  • Location
    Bakersfield, CA
  • Interests
    Training and disaster preparedness.

pmedicdude's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Not to brag but...... I decided after being away from the field for over 10 years to recert my medic (probably as the result of a head injury, but thats another story :shock: ). Granted I kept up my reading and stuff over those 10 years, but I also worked full time as a computer analyst. I studied like crazy for over a month before I took my NREMTP exam with a paramedic class. Half the class failed. I did really well on the exam. Why :?: I made up my mind to do it. Everything else got put on hold (recreation etc.). If you make up your mind to do it and put everything you got, emotionally and physically and give up Heroes, 24, ER and other favorite TV shows, you can do it too :!:
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