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meganpowell99 started following 9C1EMT
9C1EMT started following meganpowell99
And so it begins...another well intentioned thread getting warmed by the flame thrower. When I first joined this site, it was nice. A small community of us, gathered on the inter-web to share stories, tips, and the bawdy joke or two...then the basic bashing started, and at roughly the same moment the basics started bashing the medics; then somewhere the Holier than thou decided we should focus on the pure science of prehospital emergency care, there's no room here for shenanigans and code brown jokes. That's why I quit coming here, that is why I quit posting here (well that and I had nothing important to add), and this is why we are still the red headed step child of the fire service. Once we get over ourselves and learn to live in a profession - yes I said profession, that has multiple certification levels with skill sets that build from one to the other and sometimes, just sometimes a basic EMT crew can get through an emergency call without life, the universe and everything coming to a screeching halt, once we get past all that, maybe then we can get that "professional distinction" that I hear so much rattling on about. Until then, can I suggest some introspective, because lord knows I need my fair share too, and find a way for us BLS guys to adhere to our boundries, accept the limits of our certifcation and know when to ask for help, and you ALS folks to learn that you aren't the end all be all answer to every 911 call unless you are an MD. And sometimes, it's okay for EMS professionals to not take themsselves too seriously and have our own little lane on the information superhighway for the dark/perverse humor we're known for. Does that glean some insight into a members' feelings, scaramedic?
Jason was killed when he was struck on the head by a timber from the Argo I guess that's what happens when you share the name of a Greek mythological figure...
***You Are a Visionary Soul*** You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings. You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer. Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofsoulareyouquiz/
I would have voted for impossible, but it isn't as you've demonstrated. But I have found it takes A LOT of work and many of the women I've met so far never wanted to expend the energy or time to work at it.
I had to voted other because my girlfriend at the time asked for help with some of the material in the EMT course, but I didn't know the first thing about emergency medicine, so I signed up for the EMT course in order to understand what she needed help with...and then we broke up so I said f- it, I'll just keep doing this gig because I like it.
[color=blue][/color] Blue light or no blue light?
9C1EMT replied to NKEHFAS's topic in General EMS Discussion
I'm a day late and a dollar short, as usual...up here Blue is LE, Red is Fire/EMS, Green is Incident Commander/Incident Command Post. There is a simple permit -well, as simple as it can be for a VT DMV form- for red or blue lights that your head of service signs off on, send it or bring it to DMV for a countersignature, keep the yellow copy in your car at all times and you're go to go. -
1/27/82, I grew up on Hair Metal and I'm damn proud of it!
I've never heard it put that way, that's pretty good...I'll have to remember that one.
You might be working for Rural EMS If......
9C1EMT replied to Alcomedicism's topic in General EMS Discussion
I sense somehow that has actually happened to you... ...if you've ever had to tell your partner to stay in the truck when arriving at a patient's residence and there were goats/sheep in the driveway ...if you've ever had to roll the stretcher through horse and or goat dung to get to patient ...if you've ever called it a day because above goat was in the back of your ambulance when you returned with above patient ...if you've ever actually told the hospital OVER THE RADIO "sorry for the static, we were still out in the boonies..." (OOPS! :oops: ) -
Up in the Green Mountain State Basics can assist the patient with administering Rx epi-pen and the MDI albuterol, with clearance from med control (usually not a problem).
Just for even reading and replying to this I have already had to babysit a drunk, put restraints on a combative patient on one of the inpatient floors, take one combative patient to a police cruiser in the ambulance bay, and we're gearing up for a pair of "ultraviolents" on the psych floor (one has already stabbed a Resident earlier in the day). this is all within the first three hours of the shift - not horrendous, it's been much worse...but the outgoing Officer on my post used the S word when I relieved him. Bastard.
Screw the seven words you can't say on TV, utterance of the Q, B, and S words in my ER while I'm posted there is a Hell worthy trespass.
In my kit I keep: 1 D O2 cylinder w/regulator 1 ASC 2 Trauma dressings Misc Bandages/Dressings (Kerlix(sp?), 2x2's, 5x9's, 4x4's etc.) Oral and Nasal Airway's Portable Suction Sterile water for irrigation Tape Spanish Translation book MCI Log BP Cuff Ring cutter Oral Glucose Activated charcoal Stethoscope Burn dressings Snake bite kit Two talk about radios A smaller, stand alone, first aid kit Adult, pedi- and infant BVM's Masks for above Traffic vest Trauma shears Clamps Adult and Pedi NRBS Adult and Pedi cannulas SAM Splints C-Collars OB Kit Infection Control Kit This is my personal bag, and I do take it occasionally when I am posted to the mobile unit at my bread and butter job.
Some folks just don't understand the "heritage, not hate" argument...but there are those who use the Confederate Flag as a symbol of hate, and that just perpetuates the stigma.
Career or Volunteer or Private Transport
9C1EMT replied to tunnelrat83's topic in General EMS Discussion
Started off as volunteer, went to become full time paid on a transport truck volunteer, now back to volunteer.