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Everything posted by SueBop

  1. Toysoldier--I see you have already seen the negative side of EMS...that is the ones that are burned out or in the business for the wrong reasons or possibly just miserable people. Sure, there are days when all you can see is the negative for whatever reasons, but for the majority of it, this is a very rewarding career. I do think before you start Paramedic school that you work for a year or two as an EMT. I think it is important to get the basics down first. I wish I had waited and worked a little bit more as an EMT before medic school. Being a good EMT only ensures making a good Medic. Don't worry about what others say, do what you think is best for you. Only you can decide. All we can do is tell you what we feel/think and what we have learned. Good luck in whatever you decide. I think you have chosen a great and rewarding career.
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