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Everything posted by GBFDEMS174

  1. i believe EMS belongs at any type of a gas leak or carbon monoxide detector activations because of the health hazards. As far as Fire alarms go thats when it should be upon Fire Commands Request to dispatch EMS.
  2. This is a very interesting topic, I do believe that EMS should be dispatched out on all fire calls except alarm activations automatically because of all of the health hazards on scene, On alarm activations fire command should confirm a working fire then an automatic mandatory EMS dispatch should be in order.
  3. Good story, at least it didn't collide with the new truck
  4. In no way, Shape, or form do I consider non-emergency transport services EMS. These people are what I like to call wanna be's
  5. I don't even see a spot for the chiefs vehicle
  6. my company uses A-11 A-12 A-13 for their BLS Ambulance division and the Fire Division is F-16, F-17,F18,F-21,F-23 in my opinion I believe you should use something like M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4
  7. Has anyone ever gone on a call to a nursing home for an unresponsive with CPR in progress and you get there the NH nurses aren't doing CPR We had it one night actually I think the only reason why they weren't doing CPR is because rigermortise was setting in, but still if we get dispatched for the unresponsive WITH CPR IN PROGRESS I expect to see you doing CPR
  8. In my area it is normally chest pain with difficulty breathing, a few MVC's or fall victims
  9. You could also do what my company calls a shake a boot. We go out 2 times a year and stand in the middle of the street with buckets wearing stuff that signifies that we are Fire Fighters and EMT's, This normally helps us bring in about $3,000 per time that we are out there. but, yes, there are the lazy members too that don't want to get up and do it which hurts the out come alot . All of the other ideas mentioned above sound great too.
  10. Yes, us firefighters will come and help you but if you call for my town it won't be in a big red truck it will be in a white and green truck and not all are there just to lift something some are there to help you weak EMT's save a life because if it wasn't for us you wouldn't be able to fully save the persons life if the pt weighed over 500 LBS
  11. yes, I did test this fact
  12. When you arrive on scene and you realize it is worse than you thought and ALS is needed, what is their ETA?
  13. When you arrive on scene and you realize it is worse than you thought and ALS is needed, what is their ETA?
  14. When you arrive on scene and you realize it is worse than you thought and ALS is needed, what is their ETA?
  15. I say get the light and instal it this way no one can say anything and you are all happy and is also displayed propperly
  16. Sorry I didn't read above and realize I posted in this already. (Yes, I did pay attention in bible school) Pride should not be a sin, it is simply a sence of emotion, a feeling of greatness after saving someones life/getting them off of their "death bed" and after that happnes you say to yourself this is why I do it, to see a smile on someones face. That is my defineition of pride and is why I do it
  17. Fire-EMS 100% Volunteer and extremely proud of it wouldn't have it any other way.
  18. I would work for such little pay because I love the satisfaction that I get after I have saved someones life, so i guess my answer is yes I do love being what I am that much and no, I did not come in blind to the low pay. I am actually a volunteer and wouldnt want it any other way.
  19. that is way to funny, I don't think I laughed so hard in my life
  20. They still should have C spined him, he could have gave a thumbs up or a wave to show that he was ok.
  21. we do use the reeves for these types of pt's and also transport with one Police officer in our unit with us
  22. yeah you might get sued if the person that you pushed gently out of your way is an A- Hole, in that case you should ask the manufacturer if they can add wings to the unit so you can fly out of there code 3 so you dont get caught and they think its someone else that did it
  23. With the addition of push bars on the front bumper so if they still don't want to listen to you, you can take it to the next level by moving them out of the way yourself without getting out of your unit.
  24. With the addition of push bars on the front bumper so if they still don't want to listen to you, you can take it to the next level by moving them out of the way yourself without getting out of your unit.
  25. It doesn't have enough flashy things AKA emergency lights on it to be a wacker truck, I thought a wacker truck/vehicle had to look like a rolling christmas tree
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