I love EMS. Don't get me wrong. But I am tired of seeing how EMS professionals are treated and regarded as "white trash" or "red-necks with stupid lights all over their trucks"
and of course "uneducated idiots." The hospital based 911 service that I used to work for (and I still live here) the CEO of the hospital was caught referring to his EMS employees as "rednecks."
That my friends is NOT respect.
To be professionals we need to act like professionals AND be educated. Something needs to be done with EMS and my views are very liberal to you newcomers who are just now starting a basic class. I have 8 years total, 4 as a medic.
EMS will always be a dead-end job if we continue to allow it. Look at firefighting, THAT is a immature. Look at nursing, THAT is a career. Look at Police officers, That is a career. Now look at EMS. We are the bastard child of emergency service. We need strong leaders who have a strong educational background to lead us to this.
If every EMS service was part of the fire department, then this would be a mute issue. As a FF/Medic you get respect, pay, retirement, etc. But the sad truth is we are not always part of the Fire Department. Hospitals own us and treat the nurses with 150% more respect, better pay, less hours, better incentives, and better employee retention. Why? Nursing is a PROFESSIONAL organization and career. Private EMS services are sometimes worse and sometimes better, it just depends where you live.
I'm looking at the big picture. Some of you are too immature to see this. If you like living paycheck to paycheck, trying to feed your family when you NEVER see your family, watching your relationship with your loved-one go down the drain, then the current EMS is for you. I have no doubt that if you spend any amount of time working in EMS and dealing with these issues you will have the same views as I have.
If I really wanted to tick you people off I would express my views about volunteer EMS.. Why pay someone to do it when someone will do it for free?