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Everything posted by primemedic01

  1. I start my Intermediate in an hour. I'm rather Excited, with a capital E. That is all.
  2. Good luck bro, and be safe.
  3. Is this the one on commercial street? If it is i haven't heard any good things. I agree with EMSCynic to check out somewhere else. I don't know about Parkland though. I haven't heard many good things either, and I'm there all the time b/c I live in Derry and ride with Derry Fire three days a week. I would look into either The Elliot - New England EMS Insititute ( I'm starting my Intermediate there a week from today) on Lincoln Street, next Basic class starts 9/5. neemsi.org. Also, I took my Basic through Emergency Educators Group of New England. I'm not sure when they have classes or where, but I'm sure you could find out. The president/Head Instructor is Chuck Hemeon, who is the EMS Director for Derry Fire. You can reach him at the Town Municipal Building during the week at 432-6100. You could also probably find out if you call Derry Fire at 432-6121. He has been around for a long time and knows his shit. He is very thorough with the information he provides, and is really big into the A&P portion of the course, so you leave with a better understanding of A&P and pathophysiology than with most Basic classes.
  4. 80+ full time members serving the 4th largest city in NH. 24 hr shifts. Fire and EMS is one, running one of the busiest and most respected EMS systems in NH, 1 of 7 Fire Dept based EMS systems, and 1 of 2 in New England with CAAS. 6 Medics cover Derry, and two smaller towns with a total of approx 50,000 residents. (over 40,000 being in Derry, the remaining split between auburn and chester). There are 4 Battalions for a shedule of 24 on 72 off. There are four stations (ground breaking for fifth station beginning spring '07) that are manned full time 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week with a minimum of 22 members, at least 8 of which are medics. All members are required to have the maximum FF training offered by the state, and all new recruits will not be considered without at least FF2/EMT-I, but they will generally not hire candidates without Medic Cert (The last hire they did, 5 were hired, 4 FF/Medics, 1 FF/EMT-I). On shift at all times there is at minimum - Headquaters - Batallion Chief, Engine 1 - Officer(LT or CAPT)/EMT, FF/EMT, FF/Medic, Medic 1 - FF/Medic, FF/EMT-I, TAC 1 - FF/Medic, FF/EMT-I (Primarily respond on Medic 6, but are also responsible for Truck 1, Rescue 1/Heavy Rescue Unit, Tank 1, or Forestry 1, whichever is needed) Station 2 - Engine 2 and Medic 2 - Officer/EMT, FF/EMT-I, FF/Medic. Station 3 - Engine 3 and Medic 3 - Officer/EMT, FF/EMT-I, FF/Medic. Station 4 - Engine 4 - Officer/EMT, 2 FF/EMT-I's, FF/Medic, Medic 4 - FF/Medic, FF/EMT-I. TAC 4 - FF/Medic, FF/EMT-I (Responsible for Medic 5, Rescue 2, Tank 2 which ever is needed) This is done so that every apparatus that responds to any call will be capable of ALS, From the Primary Medic Unit to the Forestry Unit.
  5. Philadelphia Fire EMS Medic 22 remains the busiest single medic unit in the united states, and has been for many years. Past annual statistics include 2002 - 8513 runs, 2001 - 9094 runs, and 2000 - 8783 runs, averaging 24 calls in 24 hours. More recent stats were unavailable at the time of this post. But, the Philadelphia Fire website says this is true, and we all know that no information on the internet is incorrect.
  6. You can take the written three times. If you fail the third time you need to take a 24 hr refresher course. If you fail your fourth, fifth, and sixth time THEN you need to retake the entire EMT-B course. That letter you wrote was a waste of time. Like many people said, they are automatically going to send you the results as to where your weaker areas are, and everything you need to know about retaking the test is at NREMT.com. If you google National Registry, under the first result there is a link for Locate and Exam. You will need to fill out a new application, which is available on the website, and also submit the registration fee, which I believe is $20.00. If you can't find a test on there I would contact either your instructor (I'm pretty sure Battalion Chiefs still have cell phones), or contact your State EMS office, they should have a list of scheduled test dates. If you do find the test date you will need to contact the Exam Coordinator to submit your registration materials. Give yourself at least a good 3-4 weeks AFTER you get your results to retake it. If you really feel the results are incorrect, you can request to have the test re-evaluated by hand, which will cost you another $20. Also EMT-55 recommended www.emtb.com and this is an excellent site to help you study. Just get your head straight, don't only study the areas you didn't do so well in, and don't think too hard into the questions, and you should breeze through it next time. And if not don't worry about it, you'll have plenty of chances and time in your life to pass it. Good Luck.
  7. bait
  8. I assumed you were from Mass because of your AN avatar. Yeah 60 hrs really doesn't seem like a lot. What did most of that time consist of doing? Were you out riding around? at the station?
  9. I WANT TO TELL YOU LIES © Kalvere. All rights reserved I want to tell that little boy his Mom will be just fine I want to tell that dad we got his daughter out in time I want to tell that wife her husband will be home tonight I don't want to tell it like it is, I want to tell them lies You didn't put their seat belts on, you feel you killed your kids I want to say you didn't ... but in a way, you did You pound your fists into my chest, you're hurting so inside I want to say you'll be OK, I want to tell you lies You left chemicals within his reach and now it's in his eyes I want to say your son will see, not tell you he'll be blind You ask me if he'll be OK, with pleading in your eyes I want to say that yes he will, I want to tell you lies I can see you're crying as your life goes up in smoke If you'd maintained that smoke alarm, your children may have woke Don't grab my arm and ask me if your family is alive Don't make me tell you they're all dead, I want to tell you lies I want to say she'll be OK, you didn't take her life I hear you say you love her and you'd never hurt your wife You thought you didn't drink too much, you thought that you could drive I don't want to say how wrong you were, I want to tell you lies You only left her for a moment, it happens all the time How could she have fell from there? You thought she couldn't climb I want to say her neck's not broke, that she will be just fine I don't want to say she's paralyzed, I want to tell you lies I want to tell this teen his buddies didn't die in vain Because he thought that it'd be cool to try to beat that train I don't want to tell him this will haunt him all his life I want to say that he'll forget, I want to tell him lies You left the cabinet open and your daughter found the gun Now you want me to undo the damage that's been done You tell me she's your only child, you say she's only five I don't want to say she won't see six, I want to tell you lies He fell into the pool when you just went to grab the phone It was only for a second that you left him there alone If you let the damn phone ring perhaps your boy would be alive But I don't want to tell you that, I want to tell you lies The fact that you were speeding caused that car to overturn And we couldn't get them out of there before the whole thing burned Did they suffer? Yes, they suffered, as they slowly burned alive But I don't want to say those words, I want to tell you lies But I have to tell it like it is, until my shift is through And then the real lies begin, when I come home to you, You ask me how my day was, and I say it was just fine I hope you understand, sometimes, I have to tell you lies
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