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Everything posted by kyle308

  1. hmm i like the idea but i wonder what one of these will cost for businesses and suc
  2. lol thats hilarious
  3. lol im with you there is this like EMO revolution going on at my school...i just dont see how all those guys wear pants that are so tight, I would die.
  4. o2 tank some gloves a NRB and a nasal canula, and all your bed dressings, but when you fold the cot out it has a cart on the bottom so we throw a jump kit on there
  5. lol i like it...thats hilarious
  6. lol yeah rebel medic kinda flew off the hinge...he must of had one to many shortness of breath patients.lol
  7. AHHHHHHHHH!!! it sounds horrible lol
  8. im with u on this one
  9. the dog in cardiac arrest is a black lab...anyone could tell that from reading my post. LOL
  10. share it then.
  11. wtf is her problem
  12. wow thers something i didnt know...PETA VEMT- this dogs going into cardiac arrest, other PETA VEMT- cool!! Lets see what happens to it
  13. you know though they should just talk to PETA and have them fund the ambulances, and just let them hve their own ambulances and their own stations and do it themselves
  14. yes it woks quite well, as a short Board, long board, and board of executives
  15. o ok
  16. lol i had to have won...i dont i i...i dont know what ill do
  17. kyle won kyle won
  18. OMG i win we just passed the 75000 mark
  19. i mean have to try that ill only be like 70 when i get it lol
  20. lol this belongs in the EMS for animals thread
  21. congratulations
  22. tension...I want the book
  23. no i dont like the well....I dont trust my volly FD enough to get me out
  24. i like this kind of a bord...a board
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